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Zwischen jetzt
Zwischen jetzt creates vibrations between individual, parallel and synchronous sequences of movement and music which lead to a multilayered perception of passing time and simultaneity.
The choreographer Anna Huber, in cooperation with the composer Isabel Mundry, is developing an inter-disciplinary project for five dancers, a string quartet and percussion. zwischen jetzt creates vibrations between individual, parallel and synchronous sequences of movement and music which lead to a multilayered perception of passing time and simultaneity.
Starting from a reflection about lines as a form of disappearance (or as the disappearance of form), questions will be posed about their metamorphosis into traces, paths, links, borderlines. Threads are interwoven into fragile nets, intertwine, break or dissolve.
The phenomenon of disappearing opens questions about the “now” and its constant transformation. Is that “Now” the fraction of a second, an instant, the blink of an eye between before and after or can it last for a moment? Can we strech that moment like the period between day and night? Can beauty only be experienced in its passing? What traces do memories leave in bodies, in minds and in space? In-between spaces, connections and gaps emerge between presence and absence, meeting and parting, the visible and invisible, Appearing and disappearing. Moments of convergence, fascination, touch and agreement clash with misunderstandings, irritations, resistance and isolation. Precisely formulated moments, fragile connections, precarious balance and raw shards of energy states emerge like moving ice floes in space: present, intense and always in danger due to their evanescence.
Contemporary forms of communication, which seem to enable a permanent presence and unlimited connections as well as the simultaneity of different realities, provoke questions related to the complexity and contradictions of human communication.
Source : Anna Huber
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