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Tanzcompagnie Rubato
Nina Schwarz , Elma Riza , Benedict Bindewald
Alice Im Wunderland
Martin Stiefermann
Der Bau
Isabelle Schad , Laurent Goldring
Festina lente
Malgven Gerbes , David Brandstätter
In common
Ivana Müller
Les petites morts – I hope you die soon
Jared Gradinger
Jean Weidt – Physical encounters
Britta Wirthmüller
Christoph winkler
Scha’irlie – This is not a Chaplin
Kadir Memis
Zwischen jetzt
Anna Huber
Abendliche Tänze
Christoph winkler
Christoph winkler
Christoph winkler
Christoph winkler
Christoph winkler
Berlin Gogos
Christoph winkler
Dance! Copy! Right?
Christoph winkler
RECHTSRADIKAL – Broadcasting Kulturzeit
Christoph winkler
Dance! Copy! Right? – TV Program Kulturzeit
Christoph winkler
Cheveux persans
Christoph Winkler
Speak Boldly : The Julius Eastman Dance Project/Femenine
Christoph Winkler
Ernest Berk – The complete expressionist
Christoph Winkler
The Voice That You Are
Christoph winkler
Speak Boldly – The Julius Eastman Dance Project / THE HOLY PRESENCE OF JOAN D’ARC
Christoph winkler
Speak Boldly – The Julius Eastman Dance Project / GAY GUERRILLA
Christoph winkler
Christoph Winkler
Mcheza Ngoma
Michael Maurissens
Mcheza Ngoma
Isack Peter Abeneko , Musa Hlatshwayo
Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui
Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui
IT’S ALL FORGOTTEN NOW – A performative mixtape for Mark Fisher
Christoph Winkler
IT’S ALL FORGOTTEN NOW – a performative mixtape for Mark Fisher
Christoph Winkler
IT’S ALL FORGOTTEN NOW – A performative mixtape for Mark Fisher
Christoph Winkler
IT’S ALL FORGOTTEN NOW – A performative mixtape for Mark Fisher
Christoph Winkler
IT’S ALL FORGOTTEN NOW – A performative mixtape for Mark Fisher
Christoph Winkler
IT’S ALL FORGOTTEN NOW – A performative mixtape for Mark Fisher
Christoph Winkler
Senedon (inspired by Steve Reich’s Piano Phase)
Christoph Winkler
We Are Goig To Mars – and We’ll Unite The Galaxies
Christoph Winkler
We Are Going To Mars | SUITE
Christoph winkler
We Are Going To Mars – a choreographic concert
Christoph Winkler
Come out
Christoph winkler
Stay On It
Christoph winkler
Lead Role
Christoph winkler
Four Non Blondes
Christoph Winkler
Songs and dances about the Weather
Christoph Winkler
Berlin Gogos
BERLIN GOGOS takes the next step towards an economy of dance. No longer dance as art but dance in its most simple and purest form: dance as animation or what is better known as GoGo Dancing. Berlin’s finest dancers in some of Berlin’s wildest locations.
From now on all styles, characters, faces and bodies are on offer: dance itself. All those interested can choose according to their likings and personal criteria, free from artistic contexts. Dance is thereby freed from artistic practice. Anyone can choose freely whatever their taste in dance, be it Hip Hop, Release, New Style, Contact, Experimental or Improvisation. The range is as diverse as there are combinations. Dance as work, dance commodified through work.
“Beautiful bodies whirling across the screen in true Berlin style in front of a night skyline or in half-decayed ballrooms. An explosive mélange of aesthetics and movement, eroticism and style, decadence and extravagance live out of the can. Is this new dance for the “poor-but-sexy” capital?” – Die Welt
Source : Christoph Winkler
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