Refers to these general terms and conditions of use.

Refers to the private space that the User can open on the Website. By creating an Account, the Member User can access certain functionalities to which a Non-Member User is not entitled.

Refers to all audiovisual, textual, audio, graphic and photographic elements placed online on the Website. The Content is accessible free of charge, in bilingual version and by streaming only. It cannot be downloaded.

Contributor :
Refers to any individual or legal entity under private or public law who is a Numeridanse member and whose videos, all animated sequences of images with or without sound and all associated content, all themes are put online.

Playlist :
Refers to the personal selection of works drawn up by the User Member to create a list that can be consulted when he/she logs into his/her Account from the Website in accordance with the procedure set up by La Maison de la Danse.
Also refers to the organisation of contributors’ collections.

Refers to the services of access to Content, free of charge, and accessible to any User via the Website.

Refers to the website.

Refers to the Internet user, i.e. any natural person who uses the Website or one of the Services offered on the Website. The User may open an Account on the Website (hereinafter the ‘Member User’) or not (hereinafter the ‘Non-Member User’).


Numeridanse is the reference platform for dance. It offers free access to a unique video collection comprising filmed performances, documentaries, interviews, short and feature-length films.
All dance genres, styles and forms are represented.
Background information and thematic dossiers are available to help you understand and discover the world of dance. Events are regularly offered on the platform.

The purpose of these GCU is to define the conditions of use of the Website and the terms of free consultation of its Content.

These GCU are not intended to govern the legal conditions under which any Contributor may put Content online on the Website.

Access to the Content is subject to acceptance of and compliance with these TOU. Any User wishing to access it must have read these GCU beforehand and undertakes to comply with them in all their provisions. If the User does not accept all or part of these GCU, he/she agrees not to use the Services offered on the Website.

Minors are permitted to consult the Website and the Content, provided that they have obtained prior authorisation to do so from the holder(s) of parental authority over them and that the holder(s) of parental authority have agreed to be guarantor(s) of their compliance with the GCU.

Any use of the Website by a minor User is carried out under the full responsibility of the holder(s) of parental authority over the minor User concerned.

In the event of a breach of these GCU, La Maison de la Danse reserves the right to take legal action against the User or, in the case of a minor User, against the holder(s) of parental authority.



Description of the Services available to Users (Member Users and Non-Member Users)

La Maison de la Danse offers, on its Website, a Service which enables any User with a standard Internet connection (Member User and Non-Member User) to consult the Content placed online.

The Services available to all Users are as follows:

Consult information about the platform, its mission and how it works
View video works and read the textual content associated with these works.
Download resource documents (educational packs)
Create an account so that you can manage your video viewing preferences, access your viewing history and playlists, and access exclusive content such as previews, feature films and events.


4.1 Declarations and obligations of the User

The User acknowledges that he/she has the necessary skills and technical resources to access the Website, and that he/she has checked that the computer configuration used does not contain any viruses and is in perfect working order. The User undertakes to have checked that the configuration of his/her equipment will not be detrimental to the Service offered by La Maison de la Danse.

The User undertakes not to use the Services made available by La Maison de la Danse on its Website for any purpose other than the consultation of Content, for non-commercial purposes.

The User may not sell the Services offered by La Maison de la Danse, in particular on the Website.

It is clearly understood that the creation of Playlists and the sharing of Content on social networks or by email is understood as the ability for the User to indicate the link to Content of their choice for streaming viewing, excluding any downloading, which the Website does not allow.

The User Member undertakes to keep confidential the password he/she has chosen to access his/her Account. La Maison de la Danse may under no circumstances be held liable in the event of prejudice suffered by the User as a result of the User disclosing his/her password to a third party.

The User undertakes, when using the Service, not to engage in acts of any kind whatsoever that would be contrary to French and/or international public policy, or that would infringe the rights of one or more third parties.

4.2 Non-compliance with the GTU by a User

Users are invited to notify La Maison de la Danse of any breach of these GTU via the email address Any improper notification may give rise to legal proceedings and be liable to criminal penalties.

La Maison de la Danse reserves the right to suspend a User’s access to the Service in the event of a breach of these GCU.

Furthermore, as soon as La Maison de la Danse receives a request for information generated by a User’s complaint about disputed Content, from the Public Prosecutor, the police, the gendarmerie or any other judicial authority, La Maison de la Danse will deal with this request as quickly as possible.


La Maison de la Danse is not bound by an obligation of result regarding the functioning of the Website and the availability of the Content. La Maison de la Danse is only bound by an obligation of means within the framework of these Terms and Conditions. Consequently, unless there is a public policy provision to the contrary, it may not under any circumstances be held liable for any loss, prejudice or damage of any nature whatsoever resulting from the management, use, operation, interruption or malfunction of the Website, the Service and/or any Content.

In any event, as a general rule, La Maison de la Danse may not be held liable for any damage suffered by a User for which it has not been demonstrated that the behaviour of La Maison de la Danse is the cause of this damage.

Furthermore, La Maison de la Danse cannot be held responsible for the content of third-party websites whose hypertext links appear on the Website, or for the operation of access to these third-party websites. La Maison de la Danse does not approve of and is not responsible for the content, ideas, opinions, products or services offered on these third-party websites.

La Maison de la Danse is in no way responsible for the Playlists created by the User, who has the option of ‘sharing’ his or her selection by including a link to the Content selected on the social networks of his or her choice: La Maison de la Danse declines all responsibility for any comments made by Users who proceed with such sharing.

In accordance with the French law of 21 June 2004 on confidence in the digital economy (LCEN), it should be noted that hosts are not liable for activities or information stored at the request of a recipient of their services if they were not aware of their illicit nature or of facts and circumstances revealing such nature.


La Maison de la Danse may not be held liable, or considered to have breached these GCU, for any damage suffered by the User as a result of the impossibility of accessing the Website, his/her online Account and/or the Services, when the cause of this impossibility of access is linked to a case of force majeure as defined by the case law of the French courts and tribunals. Cases of force majeure include, in particular, the interruption, suspension, reduction or disruption of electricity or other supplies, or any interruption of telecommunications networks.

Information will generally be relayed in the ‘News’ section of the Website.

In any event, La Maison de la Danse may not be held liable if a User is unable to access the Website, his/her online Account and/or the Services.

Furthermore, La Maison de la Danse reserves the right to modify the Content of the Website at its sole discretion, at any time and without prior warning.


The Content and each of the elements, including trademarks, logos and domain names, appearing on the Website are protected by current French and international intellectual property laws. The Maison de la Danse and the Contributors placing Content online are the holders of the related rights or have made their own arrangements to dispose of them.

Any total or partial representation of the Website, of any of its component elements and/or of all or part of any Content, by any process whatsoever, without the express, written and prior authorisation of La Maison de la Danse, is prohibited and would constitute an infringement punishable by articles L.335-2 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code. La Maison de la Danse reserves the right to prosecute any act of counterfeiting.

Only consultation of the Website and its Content for private, personal and non-commercial use by the User is authorised. By way of exception, the User may distribute the Content of the Internet Site in a public context, provided that access to it is not subject to payment.


8.1 Member area

Any person wishing to access the services in the member area must first read and accept these GTCU. These GCU do not replace the legal notices accessible at the foot of the site.

Article 1: Definition

For a proper understanding of these Terms and Conditions of Use, users should refer to the following definitions:

Member area: area of the Numeridanse website ( accessible only to users with an account.
Numeridanse: La maison de la Danse is the publisher of the Numeridanse platform and of the members’ area which is the subject of these General Conditions of Use.
User: refers to any person accessing the Members Area, regardless of the network or means used.

Article 2: Purpose

The Members’ Area is open to everyone. It includes, among other things, access to the management of :

  • personal information
  • login details
  • newsletter subscriptions
  • video playback preferences
  • playback history
  • playlists

A member account also gives you ‘access to exclusive content, such as :

  • previews
  • feature films
  • events

Article 3: Conditions of access and use

The Members’ Area is open free of charge to everyone, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except in cases of force majeure, scheduled maintenance operations, computer breakdowns or problems related to telecommunications networks.

The Members’ Area of the Numeridanse website can be accessed using a valid email address and a password. These identification elements are created during a preliminary registration procedure carried out directly online by the User from the Numeridanse platform. It is the User’s responsibility to ensure the confidentiality of their password. Any connection to a User’s Member Area using their password will be presumed to have been made by that User.

Alternatively, the creation of an account to access the Member Area can be carried out using simple authentication with the third-party services of Google, Apple and Facebook.

Article 4: Collection and use of the User’s email address

The creation of an account on the Members Area requires Numeridanse to have a valid email address for each User. This address is used in particular to confirm all administrative operations on the User’s account (change of email address, password, etc.).

Article 5: Respect for the protection of personal data (DCP)

When the User registers, Numeridanse keeps the following personal data:

  • their email address (mandatory)
  • their consent to these GCU
  • his/her choice to subscribe to the newsletter (optional)

The creation of an account implies the recovery of certain data (metadata) qualifying the User’s account. This metadata is essential for the service to function:

  • password (encoded and not visible)
  • the date the account was created
  • his IP address when the account was created
  • the date of the last connection via SSO
  • the date of the last modification of their personal data.

Data linked to personal space functionalities :

  • playlists
  • history
  • settings

Personal data processed to carry out specific actions:

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Nickname
  • Date of birth
  • Country
  • Socio-professional category

Numeridanse is able to consult the content consulted by Users in order to compile consultation statistics with the aim of improving the experience of the Numeridanse platform.

Article 6: Recipients

Numeridanse’s data is hosted in France on a secure server managed by the service providers Les Animals (SSO) and OVH (hosting).

The User’s identification data is communicated exclusively to third parties:

When this is essential for the proper performance of the services offered by Numeridanse
If Numeridanse is required to do so due to a legal obligation or a court decision

Article 7: Retention periods

In the event of non-validation of registration via the authentication link sent by e-mail to the User (‘double opt-in’ procedure), the User’s data will be deleted fourteen (14) days after the e-mail is sent. Unless the User requests otherwise, their data will be kept for as long as their account is active.

After twelve (12) months of inactivity, the User will receive an e-mail inviting him to reconnect within one (1) month. If there is no response, the User’s data will be permanently deleted from Numeridanse’s databases.

Article 8: Security measures

Numeridanse applies technical and organisational security measures to protect the personal data of its Users against loss, fraudulent modification or unauthorised access by third parties. Only authorised persons within Numeridanse may access personal data, and only when necessary. The data collected during registration is transmitted in encrypted form, as are subsequent communications between the SSO servers and the Numeridanse platform.

Article 9: Rights of the persons concerned

The User may at any time:

Modify certain information by accessing the section: ‘My Account > Modify my information’.
Modify some of his identifiers by going to: ‘My Account > Modify my identifiers’.
Delete your account by going to: ‘My Account > Delete my account’.

In accordance with the amended French Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978 and the General Data Protection Regulation (EU 2016/679), Users have the right to access, rectify, object to, delete, limit the processing of and port their personal data. They may exercise these rights by contacting Numeridanse’s Data Protection Officer (DPO) by e-mail or by sending a letter to the following address:

Maison de la danse
for the attention of the Numeridanse DPO
8 Avenue Jean Mermoz, 69008 Lyon

To protect the User’s privacy, Numeridanse may take reasonable steps to verify the User’s identity before allowing the User to access or modify his/her data.

For practical reasons, if the request concerns a Numeridanse account, it must come from the email address that serves as the User’s identifier.

Numeridanse will inform the User at any time of the nature of the personal data it has recorded about him/her by request in writing or electronically. Only data necessary for Numeridanse to fulfil its obligations or exercise its rights, as well as data required by law to be retained, are excluded from deletion.

Numeridanse is subject to French and European regulations regarding the protection of personal data, as well as to the recommendations of the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL), to which the User may file a complaint.

Article 10: Newsletter

The User may subscribe to the Numeridanse newsletter, in particular from the footer of the site or when creating an account in the Members Area.

When subscribing to the Newsletter, Users must provide their e-mail address and accept these General Terms of Use and those of Brevo as well as the cookies that will be deposited as a result.

These cookies enable Numeridanse to offer personalised communications and/or to track the articles consulted in order to adjust its digital communication strategy. For more information on the cookies used for the Newsletter, the User may consult the ‘Confidentiality Policy’ page.

To confirm their subscription to the Newsletter, Users must click on the authentication link sent to the e-mail address provided (‘double opt-in’).

If the User does not confirm his/her registration by clicking on the authentication link within fourteen (14) days, his/her data will be deleted from Brevo’s servers.

Once registered, the User will receive the monthly Newsletter.

Article 10.1: Content sent

In addition to the monthly Newsletter, the subscribed User may occasionally receive :

Information about special events
Information relating to the management of their Member Area
Optional and anonymous satisfaction surveys

In order to send its Users a monthly Newsletter and related communications, Numeridanse collects the following personal data:

Identification data: Users provide their email address (mandatory) for double confirmation of registration (double opt-in) and to receive the Newsletter and subscription-related communications from Numeridanse.
Metadata: the creation of an account entails the collection of certain metadata related to the User. This metadata is essential to the proper functioning of the service and includes the date of registration, the preferred language for receiving the Newsletter, a unique identifier, information indicating whether the User has opened the Newsletter and associated links, the date the Newsletter was opened, and details of the browser used by the User.
Declarative data: the User may indicate his/her preferences for receiving programme recommendations.

Numeridanse may monitor the opening and use of hyperlinks contained in the Newsletter in order to adjust its editorial strategy.

Article 10.2: Recipients of data

Numeridanse shares this data internally with the departments that require it for their activities, as well as with its subcontractor, Brevo.

Data transmitted to Brevo may be transferred outside the European Union. In this case, to ensure an adequate level of protection of personal data, Numeridanse has taken measures to secure these transfers.

With the exception of the use of this subcontractor, the User’s identification data is not shared with third parties, unless Numeridanse is required to do so by law or a court order.

Article 10.3: Data retention period

To verify the User’s interest, and in the event of prolonged inactivity, Numeridanse will send a reminder e-mail eleven (11) and then twelve (12) months after the User’s last interaction with the Newsletter. If there is no response from the User, the email address and all associated data will be automatically and permanently deleted from Numeridanse’s databases.

The User may unsubscribe from the Newsletter at any time by clicking on the unsubscribe link available at the bottom of each e-mail sent as part of their subscription.

Article 10.4 : Security measures

Numeridanse implements technical and organisational security measures to ensure the protection of its Users’ personal data against loss, fraudulent alteration or unauthorised access by third parties.

8.2 Cookies :
What are cookies?

Cookies are files, often encrypted, which are stored in your browser. They are created for a limited time when a user’s browser loads a given website: the site sends information to the browser, which then creates a text file. Each time the user returns to the same site, the browser retrieves this file and sends it to the website server.

The information stored by cookies includes the pages visited, the type of browser you are using, your IP address and even the information you have entered on a site so that you do not have to re-enter it.

They may be of different types depending on their purpose:

  • technical cookies that are essential for logging in or enabling identification (avoiding having to identify yourself again when you re-use our sites or our application from the same device without having logged out);
  • cookies offering functions to optimise browsing or the appearance of the site (e.g. changes in text size, personalised pages);
  • statistical or performance cookies, which are used to monitor site performance, compile statistics on traffic volumes and the use of content, and detect any malfunctions. The information collected is aggregated so that it is rendered anonymous: these cookies do not collect information about identified individuals ;
  • advertising cookies to present you with offers and information tailored to your interests when browsing the Internet;
  • social network cookies to enable specific content to be shared.

Cookies can be session-specific, being stored in your browser only during your browsing session, i.e. until you leave the site or application, and being deleted afterwards.

Some of them may also be persistent: they remain in your browser after the session (unless you specifically delete them).

The use of cookies is based on our legitimate interest in improving the operation of our site, ensuring that it functions properly and enabling audience measurement or sharing on social networks.
We use various cookies on the site to improve the interactivity of the site and our services.

Technical cookies

This website uses cookies that are necessary for it to function properly, such as saving your cookie preferences. They are not subject to your consent and cannot be deactivated.

Some of these cookies are provided by Vimeo and are considered essential for the secure operation of the video player:

  • player_clearance (7 days)

Vimeo cookie used for bot prevention

  • _cf_bm (30 minutes)
    Cloudflare bot manager, manages incoming traffic that matches criteria associated with bots.
  • _cfuvid (session)
    Cloudflare cookie used to enforce rate limiting rules.
  • cf_clearance (1 year)

Cloudflare cookie used for bot prevention.

See the latest version of the Vimeo player privacy policy.

Audience measurement cookies

These cookies are used to optimise the site and collect statistics.

  • _ga (retention period 13 months)
    Stores a unique identifier used to generate statistical data on how visitors use the site.
  • gat (retention period 1 day)
    Used by Google Analytics to radically reduce the rate of requests.
  • gid (retention period 1 day)
    Stores a unique identifier used to generate statistical data on how the visitor uses the site.

Find out more about Google’s privacy policy.

Service cookies

These cookies, provided by Vimeo, are used to collect pseudonymised statistics, to store video player preferences and to benefit from highlighted content:

  • uid (2 years)
    Identifier generated by Vimeo and used to generate analytical information for the owner of the video.
  • player (1 year)

Stores preferences for player controls (i.e. volume, stream quality, subtitles).

  • flags (1 year)

Specifies the options enabled by the video owner.

  • [clip_id]_password (session)
    Records an encrypted password entered to authenticate a password-protected clip.
  • [webinar_uuid]_webinar_registrant (7 days)
    Records the identifier of a user who has registered for a webinar.
  • lc_[hash] (7 days)
    Records the identifier of a user who has sent information via a video recording form.

Consult the latest version of the Vimeo player privacy policy.

Do you need to give your consent for cookies to be deposited?

In accordance with applicable legislation and CNIL guidelines, we will obtain your prior consent before depositing any cookies that require it.

You may, of course, withdraw your consent at any time or object to it being deposited.

You can of course configure your cookies.

In addition to the control you have over the cookies we use, via the dedicated screen we make available to you, you can control and/or delete cookies at your convenience. You can delete all the cookies that are already on your computer and you can configure most browsers to prevent them from appearing. In this case, however, you may have to set certain preferences manually each time you visit a site and certain services and functions may not work.

For more general information on cookies and how to disable them in your browser, visit CNIL’s advice on controlling your browser.

You can also use your browser’s help menu to find out how to express or modify your cookie preferences:

  • Arc
  • Chrome
  • Edge
  • Safari (macOS and iOS)
  • Brave
  • Firefox


La Maison de la Danse is legally obliged to cooperate with any authorities wishing to carry out checks relating to the Content or the identity of Users, and submits to such checks. Users declare that they have been informed that La Maison de la Danse may be released from its professional secrecy under the conditions set out in article 6 of the law of 21 June 2004, and agree to this.

La Maison de la Danse is not subject to a general obligation to monitor the information it stores, nor to search for facts or circumstances revealing illicit activities.

However, La Maison de la Danse is required to inform the competent public authorities of any manifestly illegal activities or information of which it becomes aware in the course of its business.

In accordance with article 6 of the law of 21 June 2004, La Maison de la Danse is obliged to hold and keep data enabling the identification of any person who has contributed to the creation of content on its services.


These GCU are governed by French law.

These GTU may be modified by La Maison de la Danse at any time, particularly in the event of technical, legal or jurisprudential developments and/or when new services are introduced. The version of the GCU applicable will then be the one in force for the duration of each consultation of the Website.

It is the User’s responsibility to consult the GCU regularly in order to take note of any changes made and the version in force at the time of consultation of the Website. If the User no longer approves the current version of the GCU, he/she undertakes not to consult the Website or the Content.

Use of the Website implies acceptance by the User of all the stipulations described in these GTUs and any modifications that La Maison de la Danse may make to them.

In the event of disputes or claims arising from the User, relating to the Use of the Services, only the GCU accessible on the Website will be binding between the parties, regardless of the date of the disputed facts.


NUMERIDANSE.TV is a registered trademark with the I.N.P.I of Lyon under number 10 3 784 926.

The Website is published by :

Maison de la Danse
Registered office: 8 Avenue Jean Mermoz 69008 Lyon
Telephone number: 04 72 78 18 18
RCS Lyon n°313°955°288
SIRET 313 955 288 00052
APE 9004Z
VAT FR 473 139 552 88

Name of publication director: Tiago Guedes

The Website is hosted in France by :

SAS, a simplified joint stock company
Siret: 42476141900045
APE Code 63.11Z
VAT NUMBER: FR22424761419

Registered office: 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France.


555 West 18th Street
New York, New York 10011
Attn: Legal Dept – Copyright Agent