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Miniature de la vidéo Act


Tanzcompagnie Rubato

Miniature de la vidéo Air


Nina Schwarz , Elma Riza , Benedict Bindewald

Miniature de la vidéo Alice Im Wunderland

Alice Im Wunderland

Martin Stiefermann

Miniature de la vidéo Der Bau

Der Bau

Isabelle Schad , Laurent Goldring

Miniature de la vidéo Festina lente

Festina lente

Malgven Gerbes , David Brandstätter

Miniature de la vidéo In common

In common

Ivana Müller

Miniature de la vidéo Les petites morts – I hope you die soon

Les petites morts – I hope you die soon

Jared Gradinger

Miniature de la vidéo Jean Weidt – Physical encounters

Jean Weidt – Physical encounters

Britta Wirthmüller

Miniature de la vidéo RechtsRadikal


Christoph winkler

Miniature de la vidéo Scha’irlie – This is not a Chaplin

Scha’irlie – This is not a Chaplin

Kadir Memis

Miniature de la vidéo Zwischen jetzt

Zwischen jetzt

Anna Huber

Miniature de la vidéo Abendliche Tänze

Abendliche Tänze

Christoph winkler

Miniature de la vidéo DANCE IS NOT ENOUGH


Christoph winkler

Miniature de la vidéo BÖSE KÖRPER – EVIL BODIES


Christoph winkler

Miniature de la vidéo TAKING STEPS


Christoph winkler

Miniature de la vidéo BIOPICS


Christoph winkler

Miniature de la vidéo Berlin Gogos

Berlin Gogos

Christoph winkler

Miniature de la vidéo Dance! Copy! Right?

Dance! Copy! Right?

Christoph winkler

Miniature de la vidéo RECHTSRADIKAL – Broadcasting Kulturzeit

RECHTSRADIKAL – Broadcasting Kulturzeit

Christoph winkler

Miniature de la vidéo Dance! Copy! Right? – TV Program Kulturzeit

Dance! Copy! Right? – TV Program Kulturzeit

Christoph winkler

Miniature de la vidéo Cheveux persans

Cheveux persans

Christoph Winkler

Miniature de la vidéo Speak Boldly : The Julius Eastman Dance Project/Femenine

Speak Boldly : The Julius Eastman Dance Project/Femenine

Christoph Winkler

Miniature de la vidéo Ernest Berk – The complete expressionist

Ernest Berk – The complete expressionist

Christoph Winkler

Miniature de la vidéo The Voice That You Are

The Voice That You Are

Christoph winkler

Miniature de la vidéo Speak Boldly – The Julius Eastman Dance Project / THE HOLY PRESENCE OF JOAN D’ARC

Speak Boldly – The Julius Eastman Dance Project / THE HOLY PRESENCE OF JOAN D’ARC

Christoph winkler

Miniature de la vidéo Speak Boldly – The Julius Eastman Dance Project / GAY GUERRILLA

Speak Boldly – The Julius Eastman Dance Project / GAY GUERRILLA

Christoph winkler


Christoph Winkler

Mcheza Ngoma

Michael Maurissens

Miniature de la vidéo Mcheza Ngoma

Mcheza Ngoma

Isack Peter Abeneko , Musa Hlatshwayo

Miniature de la vidéo Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui

Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui

Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui

Miniature de la vidéo IT’S ALL FORGOTTEN NOW – A performative mixtape for Mark Fisher

IT’S ALL FORGOTTEN NOW – A performative mixtape for Mark Fisher

Christoph Winkler

Miniature de la vidéo IT’S ALL FORGOTTEN NOW – a performative mixtape for Mark Fisher

IT’S ALL FORGOTTEN NOW – a performative mixtape for Mark Fisher

Christoph Winkler

Miniature de la vidéo IT’S ALL FORGOTTEN NOW – A performative mixtape for Mark Fisher

IT’S ALL FORGOTTEN NOW – A performative mixtape for Mark Fisher

Christoph Winkler

Miniature de la vidéo IT’S ALL FORGOTTEN NOW – A performative mixtape for Mark Fisher

IT’S ALL FORGOTTEN NOW – A performative mixtape for Mark Fisher

Christoph Winkler

Miniature de la vidéo IT’S ALL FORGOTTEN NOW – A performative mixtape for Mark Fisher

IT’S ALL FORGOTTEN NOW – A performative mixtape for Mark Fisher

Christoph Winkler

Miniature de la vidéo IT’S ALL FORGOTTEN NOW – A performative mixtape for Mark Fisher

IT’S ALL FORGOTTEN NOW – A performative mixtape for Mark Fisher

Christoph Winkler

Miniature de la vidéo Senedon (inspired by Steve Reich’s Piano Phase)

Senedon (inspired by Steve Reich’s Piano Phase)

Christoph Winkler

Miniature de la vidéo We Are Goig To Mars – and We’ll Unite The Galaxies

We Are Goig To Mars – and We’ll Unite The Galaxies

Christoph Winkler

Miniature de la vidéo We Are Going To Mars | SUITE

We Are Going To Mars | SUITE

Christoph winkler

Miniature de la vidéo We Are Going To Mars – a choreographic concert

We Are Going To Mars – a choreographic concert

Christoph Winkler

Miniature de la vidéo Come out

Come out

Christoph winkler

Miniature de la vidéo Stay On It

Stay On It

Christoph winkler

Miniature de la vidéo Lead Role

Lead Role

Christoph winkler

Miniature de la vidéo Four Non Blondes

Four Non Blondes

Christoph Winkler

Miniature de la vidéo Songs and dances about the Weather

Songs and dances about the Weather

Christoph Winkler

Filmed performances


Year of production
Year of creation

There is no exact moment of disaster. The world simply falls to pieces bit by bit. Why not create a concrete opportunity to dance. A catastrophe, a miracle, a bang: DANCE IS NOT ENOUGH. If I can’t dance, I won’t be part of your revolution.

Christoph Winkler’s work explores current social and political events from the specific standpoint of dance. In “The True Face – Dance is Not Enough”, he takes a closer look at how conflicts between nation states and its citizens have been provoked by the crisis of capitalism. Blatant displays of power clash with creative displays of protest to reveal the various aesthetic forms of conflict – both as ‘classical’ street theater, as well as in the political impetus behind contemporary art and art activism. These bear eloquent witness to the emotional state of a generation, who has never known capitalism as anything other than in a constant state of crisis. But every ideological performance also has its gaps and inconsistencies that bear witness to what may have been overlooked. Police versus protestors doesn’t necessarily also represent strong versus weak. The “pantomimes” of protest produce a multitude of ambiguous and alternating meanings. So how and under what conditions is it at all possible to formulate protest?

Source : Christoph Winkler

More information :

Year of production
Year of creation
Artistic advice / Dramaturgy
Mirko Winkel
Other collaboration
Vocal: Bernadette La Hengst
Ahmed Soura, Chris Daftsios, Luke Garwood, Luis Rodriguez
Production of video work
Tanzforum Berlin –
Set design
För Künkel
Production of choreographic work
ehrliche arbeit – bureau culturel indépendant
Technical direction
André Schulz
Ahmed Soura, Chris Daftsios, Luke Garwood, Luis Rodriguez
Video production
Walter Bickmann
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