Search among 4648 publications Publications 1741 Authors Structures Collections Filter Order 1741 publications for page Category Filmed performances Documentaries Masterclass Interviews Dance films Thematics Events Format Integral work Extract of work Chronology Before 1950 Years 1950 Years 1960 Years 1970 Years 1980 Years 1990 Years 2000 Years 2010 Years 2020 Dance type Baroque Butô Circus / Movement arts Classic / Neo classic Contemporary Dance and digital arts Modern dance Society dances Traditional dances Urban dances Jazz Close Order by relevance newest publications older publications Close Show previous publications 2:56 as far as Alban Richard 1:54 Animal Kingdom Akram Khan 3:04 Lobby Moncef Zebiri , Patrick M’Bala , Farès Baliouz , Nagueye Mahmoud 30:52 No play hero (2012) — captation intégrale Yuval Pick 1:42 Entrée d’Apollon Louis-Guillaume Pécour 58:35 Acta est fabula Yuval Pick 1:01 There’s a blue bird in my heart Andrew Ellis 1:37 No play hero Yuval Pick 6:37 Ô Solitude Heddy Maalem 2:06 La Camelle Sidi Graoui 4:33 We are Numeridanse : Yuval Pick Yuval Pick 54:32 Score Yuval Pick 6:59 Zoom backstage : auditions for “Orphée” Dominique Hervieu , José Montalvo 48:17 BLEU. création – 2017 Yvann Alexandre 1:27 Acta est fabula Yuval Pick 1:36 Hydre Yuval Pick 51:09 Lil’Acta (2019) — captation intégrale Yuval Pick 7:45 Ply Yuval Pick 18 publications on 1741 Show more