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« La Colère », extrait de La Collection [transmission 2020]

Year of production
Year of creation

An extract remodelled by the group Diagonale(s), coordination by Marie-Aude Babault, as part of the “Danse en amateur et repertoire” programme (2019/2020) (a programme created to assist and promote amateur dancing). 

Transmission by Claire Malchrowicz, Anita Mauro, Vincent Simon 

Presented on 24 October 2020, Chaillot – Théâtre national de la Danse (Paris).  

The piece when it was created 

« La Colère », extract of La Collection 

Firstly produced 3 May 2013, place de l’Église à Aubusson 

Choreography: Nathalie Pernette 

Pièce for three performers:  Tatiana Julien, Pauline Le Marchand, Vincent Simon 

Music Partita pour violon n°2, Jean-Sébastien Bach  

Original duration: 14 minutes 

The group 

Diagonale(s) (Rouen, Normandie) 

Based in Rouen, the group Diagonale(s) is made up of people of different ages and levels, united by the same desire to discover contemporary dance. Based on research projects in workshops conducted by Marie-Aude Babault and selected guest choreographers, the group participates each year in the creation of a choreography, most often presented during local events such as the Fête de la Musique or in festivals (“Poésie danse la rue”, “La danse dans tous les sens”). 

The projet 

Designed for the public space, “La Collection” is a series of short choreographic pieces that seek to reveal the emotional states that roam through the city. To proceed with the visual, tactile and audible transposition of these urban moods, Nathalie Pernette designed a sensory path in various places, reflecting embarrassment, desire, anger, joy, fear, or sadness. Struck by the energy given out by these in situ events, the members of the group Diagonale(s) addressed the expressiveness of “La Colère”,  interpreted for the occasion by twelve dancers. 

Year of production
Year of creation
14 minutes
Partita pour violon n°2, Jean-Sébastien Bach
Ivan Chaumeille et Rafaël Gubitsch Interprétation : Marie-Aude Babault, Laurence Lainé, Marie-Brigitte Pelletier, Marlène Delaunay, Stéphanie Dupuis, Isabelle Gayet, Nicolas Jeannet, Marie Lajaunie, Aurélie Lange, Stéphanie Lemonnier-Paquet, Géraldine Szpyrka, Christine Tonarelli