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Interview de Yuval Pick

Year of production
Year of creation

Yuval Pick returned to the country where he was born, Israel, to collect soundbites; snippets of language and life. In this video he says more about his creation process and his work.

“I always found it difficult to talk, in my work and through my aesthetic, about my country and my roots in a way that is enough inspiring and powerful for me. The commission of “les Subsistances” in Lyon for the festival “ça tchatche” appealed to me straight away as I am very attached to sound and musical research. I thought it would be interesting to go to Israel to collect sound bites, pieces of languages and life that characterise this particular place.

Being confronted with English, Arabic, Yiddish, and of course Hebrew, obviously shape our way of being and our growing up in Israel, our everyday reality and the way we live and communicate. It also shaped my physicality, my approach to the body, and my relations to others and to space. When i watch my work, I can see that the concepts of borders, of claiming the right to be on a certain place, of looking for and proving the right to be there, are incorporated into my body language and the way I compose my pieces. 

In Israel, the concept of time is very different to the one in Europe : one can feel that there are very strong energies, contradictory ones, a really strong sense of urgency, of survival, which are not yet processed, and are staying in a suspended state.One can notice that in the way people talk, move, and communicate.I decided then to elaborate this piece throughout the questioning about the mechanism of the relation between people who live there, and was as well inspired to transpose on stage their vital and surviving energy.

Score was composed as a mosaic, a metaphor of the richness and the complexity of this country and with the need to express a wish for another reality.”Yuval Pick

Interview with Cathy Bouvard – Associate Director of Les Subsistances International laboratory of artistic creation – Lyon

Acoustic credits :Recorded: Israel, Sept. 09, recorded with 2xDPA 4060/ 2x shoeps mk4/ Fostex FR2Editing and composition (except ©): Bertrand Larrieu & Yuval Pick

Part ITel Aviv, club rock Levontin: a balance between the sound engineer and the musicians of the group Haivrit and an excerpt Al tenasi © of the same group (remixed) plus impro on synth Axolotl –

Part IITel Aviv, downtown, 4 AM: raw recordings around a night-time snack bar with a techno DJ, open to the street

Part IIIAt a Druze village, Kfar-Mrar (northern Galilee): around a café, Bilal Abou-Gosh, Druze singer, sung a cappellaTel Aviv, Hayarkon Park, 11 PM: Ruth Dolores Weiss sings Yakinton © a cappella –

Part IVSounds of a shofar (raw and manipulated), an instrument of Judaic liturgy (Tel Aviv) and a Catholic procession in the village of Machul (northern Gallilee): drums, brass and bagpipes, and a collective prayer for Rosh Hashana (Jewish New Year), at the flea market in Jaffa (Tel Aviv) and diverse ambiances and sound treatments

Part VTel Aviv: GPS of a taxi and the sounds of traffic lights for the blind, diverse ambiances and Damien Cluzel improvising on the guitar: Worldizing © (Lyon) –

Choreography : Yuval Pick

Dancers : Lazare Huet, Anna Massoni, Antoine Roux-Briffaud

Music : Bertrand Larrieu

Lights : Nicolas Boudier

Sound : Raphaël Guénot

Costumes : Angèle Mignot

Production : CCNR / Direction Yuval Pick

Coproduction : Les Subsistances, Compagnie The Guests, CCN de Rillieux La Pape / Cie Maguy Marin, CCN de Roubaix- Nord Pas de Calais, CCN Ballet de Lorraine

Supports : Ministère de la culture et de la communication – DRAC Rhône-Alpes au titre de l’aide aux compagnies chorégraphiques Région Rhône-Alpes Ville de LyonAmbassade d’Israël en France

Thanks to : Jérémy Paon, Damien Cluzel, Ruth Dolorès Weiss, Haivrit, Bilal Abou-gosh and other people in Israel for their collaboration and help.

Scènes d’Ecran Une collection proposée et dirigée par Charles Picq

Réalisation : Charles Picq Directeur de la photographie : Gérard Sergent Images : Michel Esquirol, Charles Picq, Luc Riolon, Gérard Sergent Prise de son : Bruno Rochet Montage : Michel Esquirol


Centre Chorégraphique National de Rillieux-la-Pape / Direction Yuval Pick is sponsored by Culture and Communication Ministry – DRAC Rhône-Alpes, Région Rhône-Alpes, city of Rillieux-la-Pape and Département du Rhône.


Year of production
Year of creation
Nicolas Boudier
Original score
Bertrand Larrieu
Other collaboration
Soutiens : Ministère de la culture et de la communication – DRAC Rhône-Alpes au titre de l’aide aux compagnies chorégraphiques Région Rhône-Alpes Ville de Lyon Ambassade d’Israël en France. Remerciements : Jérémy Paon, Damien Cluzel, Ruth Dolorès Weiss, Haivrit, Bilal Abou-gosh et toutes les autres personnes en Israël pour leur collaboration et leurs apports à cette pièce.
Lazare Huet, Anna Massoni, Antoine Roux-Briffaud
Production of video work
24 images
Raphaël Guénot
Production of choreographic work
CCNR / Direction Yuval Pick. Les Subsistances, Compagnie The Guests, CCN de Rillieux La Pape / Cie Maguy Marin, CCN de Roubaix- Nord Pas de Calais, CCN Ballet de Lorraine
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