Search among 4647 publications Publications 4647 Authors Structures Collections Filter Order Show previous publications Dance films 2:01 FRAGMENT III Christian & François Ben Aïm Dance films 1:56 FRAGMENT II Christian & François Ben Aïm Dance films 2:08 FRAGMENT I Christian & François Ben Aïm Filmed performances 2:39 Tender Anger Christian & François Ben Aïm Filmed performances 21:57 Marche rond, tourne droit ! Christian & François Ben Aïm Filmed performances 2:59 ÉAÉDEM Marie Gourdain Filmed performances 0:52 Le rêve de voler / The dream of flying Nicolas Barry Filmed performances 2:58 Hairy 2.0 Dovydas Strimaitis Filmed performances 3:11 Bate Fado Jonas & Patrick Lander Documentaries 8:05 Seeing dance differently Valérie Castan choreographic and audio-descriptive artist Dance films 3:37 XM Nazaria Tooj Filmed performances 2:59 She Dreamt of Being Washed Away To The Coast Lukas Karvelis Interviews 1:00 Artists in residence, Allison Faye Allison Faye Interviews 3:57 Artists in residence Chris West and Gaël Grzeskowiak Chris West, Gaël Grzeskowiak Interviews 3:04 Artists in residence, Sarah Adjou Sarah Adjou Filmed performances 42:23 Twenty-seven perspectives mobiles Maud Le Pladec Filmed performances 2:54 Silent Legacy Maud Le Pladec feat. Jr Maddripp Filmed performances 43:37 Party I-Fang Lin 18 publications on 4647 Show more