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Kader Attou
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Christian Rizzo , Andrés Marin , Marie-Agnès Gillot
Vassili Vainonen
Lev Ivanov , Vassili Vainonen
Lady Magma
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Play the Darkness
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Compagnie Mpta – Carnets de création
Mathurin Bolze
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Amala Dianor , Junior Bosila
Point Zéro
Amala Dianor
Amala Dianor
Mourad Merzouki
Devant la Maison
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José Montalvo
Parole d’artiste : Jeanne Brouaye
Jeanne Brouaye
Mathieu Bleton , Mosi Espinoza , Jonas Julliand , Karim Messaoudi , Cyril Pernot
One More Thing
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Elisabeth gets her way
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Hôtel Bellevue
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Avant les gens mouraient
(LA)HORDE and Céline Signoret
Mathilde Monnier
Danse des éléments
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Möbius &
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État des lieux
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Fouad Boussouf
Placement libre
Thomas Demay , Julia Moncla
Maguy Marin
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Tempo Vicino
Lucinda Childs
One of Four Periods in Time (Ellipsis)
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Lasseindra Ninja
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any attempt will end in crushed bodies and shattered bones
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Jann Gallois
L’Oiseau de feu
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Le Sacre du printemps
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Le Choeur
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Body Concert
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førm Inførms
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Le rapport au sol selon Tiago Guedes, avec le soutien de Harlequin Floors
Tiago Guedes
ab [intra]
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Le cours des choses
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My Way
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Jungle Book Reimagined
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(La bande à) LAURA
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Working Title
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Deux mille vingt trois
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La Ciudad de los Otros
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The Köln Concert
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Voice Noise
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Femke Gyselinck
Angelin Preljocaj
Angelin Preljocaj
Angelin Preljocaj
Mufutau Yusuf
Amala Dianor
Point Zéro
It is sometimes difficult to know where we are going, but we do know where we come from. Dance, street dance, hip hop and contemporary dance are our DNA. We have fully experienced these differing vocabularies which have redefined us as artists, each and every time.
Point Zéro is above all, an invitation to dance — with two of my friends, both well-known dancers. It is about experiencing together the journey each of us have taken, through the various aesthetics which are the landmarks of that journey. Johanna, Mathias and I all began doing street dance, then each of us chose our own paths, as it were, filled with personal encounters, sharing, a hybridization of ideas. Point Zero is literally the central, chosen place from which all distances are calculated. What is the road we have traveled on during all these years of research? In France our point zero is the plaza in front of the great Cathedral, Notre Dame de Paris, in a city which is also one of the centers of hip hop culture. Coincidentally, there was a terrible fire at Notre Dame this year, creating a wave of emotion and sadness.
What remains of our cathedral of urban dancers, of our original chapels? Are they still intact after so many years? Are we still able to go back there, to draw from this place to create, transmit, move together? For Mathias the answer is a firm ‘yes’ – he never gave up his signature dance, a fusion of street dance and hip hop. There is however the question of the aging of the body, which affects somewhat the physical intensity of his dance vocabulary. With Johanna, I am interested in exploring not only finding a balance between the multiple techniques which coalesce in her dancing, but also the space where the brute tonicity of Mathias meets the fluidity and flow which I have worked with for so many years.
Point Zéro is also an opportunity to begin addressing the power relationship I intend to explore in my next group work, planned for 2022. For many years I have looked to prioritize a relationship of caring, based on personal encounter and experiencing things together. An honorable choice but an idea which runs contrary to the reality of current reltationships. Is otherness also a subtle game of power? How can we remain authentic? What am I willing to give up? What relationship can be built if we are trying to create it together while remaining faithful to our individualism?
Source: Amala Dianor
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