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Kader Attou
Shana Carroll
Christian Rizzo , Andrés Marin , Marie-Agnès Gillot
Vassili Vainonen
Lev Ivanov , Vassili Vainonen
Lady Magma
Oona Doherty
Aurélien Bory , Shantala Shivalingappa
Marcos Morau
Play the Darkness
Yuichi Yokoï
Compagnie Mpta – Carnets de création
Mathurin Bolze
Emanuel Gat
Amala Dianor , Junior Bosila
Point Zéro
Amala Dianor
Amala Dianor
Mourad Merzouki
Devant la Maison
Denis Plassard
José Montalvo
Parole d’artiste : Jeanne Brouaye
Jeanne Brouaye
Mathieu Bleton , Mosi Espinoza , Jonas Julliand , Karim Messaoudi , Cyril Pernot
One More Thing
Adi Boutrous
Elisabeth gets her way
Jan Martens
Hôtel Bellevue
Thomas Guerry
Avant les gens mouraient
(LA)HORDE and Céline Signoret
Mathilde Monnier
Danse des éléments
Cecilia Bengolea
Möbius &
Dai Jian , Xiao Xiangrong
État des lieux
Thomas Demay , Julia Moncla , Paul Changarnier
Fouad Boussouf
Placement libre
Thomas Demay , Julia Moncla
Maguy Marin
Lucinda Childs
Honji Wang , Sébastien Ramirez
Tempo Vicino
Lucinda Childs
One of Four Periods in Time (Ellipsis)
Tânia Carvalho
Lasseindra Ninja
Oona Doherty
any attempt will end in crushed bodies and shattered bones
Jan Martens
Jann Gallois
L’Oiseau de feu
Thierry Malandain
Le Sacre du printemps
Thierry Malandain , Martin Harriague
Le Choeur
Fanny de Chaillé
Silvia Gribaudi
Body Concert
Kim Boram
Flora Détraz
Alexander Vantournhout
førm Inførms
Marco Da Silva Ferreira
Angelin Preljocaj
Le rapport au sol selon Tiago Guedes, avec le soutien de Harlequin Floors
Tiago Guedes
ab [intra]
Rafael Bonachela
Brigel Gjoka , Rauf “RubberLegz” Yasit
Le cours des choses
Christian Ubl
My Way
Rubén Julliard
Du bout des doigts
Gabriella Iacono , Grégory Grosjean
Jungle Book Reimagined
Akram Khan
Jungle Book Reimagined
Akram Khan
(La bande à) LAURA
Gaëlle Bourges
Working Title
Trisha Brown
For M.G: The Movie
Trisha Brown
Mellina Boubetra
Autoportrait à ma grand-mère
Patricia Allio
Elles disent
Deux mille vingt trois
Maguy Marin
François Chaignaud , Geoffroy Jourdain
La Ciudad de los Otros
Rafael Palacios
Contes Immoraux Partie 1 : Maison Mère
Phia Ménard
Toi moi, Tituba…
Dorothée Munyaneza
Chandra Grangean , Lise Messina
Saïdo Lehlouh
Dimitri Chamblas
Joachim Maudet
The Köln Concert
Trajal Harrell
Voice Noise
Jan Martens
Femke Gyselinck
Angelin Preljocaj
Angelin Preljocaj
Angelin Preljocaj
Mufutau Yusuf
Amala Dianor
The ineffable is that which cannot be expressed in words. On stage, various forms of sacred art are combined through music and dance in order to make manifest what we often forget to look at, our deep and immortal nature, which cannot be described by words. For me, the sacred is everything that crosses time without taking on any wrinkles, that which surpasses understanding, that which frees us from suffering and raises us above our human condition.
To reach the peaceful and eternal silence that lies within all forms of life is the highest and most difficult quest, but it is also and above all the most beautiful. Thus, contrary to what one might think, this personal path of inner realisation cannot be a path without obstacles. This aspiration is so precious and so deep that it is easy to go astray while thinking we are on the right path, and it is impossible to approach this purity of the soul without first deeply facing everything that keeps it away. Thus, evoking spiritual pride, that spirit which claims to hold the ultimate truth without having totally purified itself of all traces of ego, is one of the essential points of this creation because it is ultimately the most dangerous trap.
Choreographically, I took great pleasure in feeding my dance with numerous forms of bodily expression from religious rites and in particular mudras, this “yoga of the hands” carrying a language adorned with symbols, by merging it with my favourite dance: hip hop dance and in particular the “tutting” technique. As I am also a trained musician, I compose and play part of the music live in order to be one with the sound while inviting the magic of the present moment with its surprises and fragility. In addition to broadcasting a selection of musical works from different spiritual traditions, my intention is to show that it is also possible to detect this relationship to the sacred in unexpected registers such as wadaiko (traditional Japanese percussion) or electro. The repertoire of sacred music being an extremely vast and rich field of creativity, my selection obviously reflects only a tiny part of all that is possible to hear. However, I have oriented my research by trying as much as possible to listen with my heart and not with my mind. Thus, it is my firm belief that each of the carefully selected pieces of music for this creation was written by a spirit aspiring to something greater than simply satisfying its worldly desires. Although they differ in form, the substance and power of the music are not far apart, as they reflect one and the same thing: our immortal essence.
Finally, the meaning that I have given to my life and that I wish to share here lies in learning to control one’s own body and mind, the two precious instruments of our accomplishment.
Jann Gallois
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