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Cassa Cassa

Danced encounters of africa and its disapora

Year of production

Germaine Acogny, a leading figure in contemporary African dance and the founder of the École des Sables in Senegal, has longed for many years to bring together choreographers from Africa and the diaspora.

In 2007, the École des Sables invited for the first time thirty-five choreographers and musicians of African origin for the project « Rencontres dansées de l’Afrique et de sa diaspora » (« Danced Encounters of Africa and its Diaspora »). This remote place became for two weeks the site for exceptional exchange. Each artist who has accepted the invitation brings his or her own personal universe. They unfold it under the others’ gaze, in a quest for the nature of the links that unite them with Africa; they put it into a dialogue with their partners’ universes, searching for the mutations of form and meaning which their dancing has undergone. It is with a desire for communion and sharing that these unique trajectories meet at the École des Sables; it is between the bush and the ocean that they reunite with their collective history.

Source:  Élodie Lefebvre 

Year of production
Original score
Aymeric de Tapol (direction) / Joao Paulo Tiago – Brésil / Francisco Tiago – Brésil / Gilberto Amancio – Brésil Allan Blou – Guadeloupe / Félix Flauzin – Guadeloupe / Raoul Jr Denis – Haîti / Abdoula Diop – Sénégal / Djibril Bâ – Sénégal / Ndey Sec – Sénégal / Oumar Fandy Diop – Sénégal / Ousman Sene – Sénégal / Pape Badara Fall – Sénégal
Production of video work
Association Jant-bi