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A choreographer who trained at the CNDC in Angers in 1986, Valérie Castan’s career has been built on stage experience and artistic collaborations: from Philippe Decouflé to Ballets Redha, from Pierre Doussaint, l’Esquisse to Loïc Touzé, Christian Trouillas, Olivia Grandville, from Eszter Salamon to Daniel Larrieu, via Mié Coquempot, Mickaël Phelippeau, Antonia Baehr, Gaëtan Bulourde – and more recently Pauline Brun and Gérald Kurdian.

After completing a Master’s degree in dance at Paris 8, with a view to broadening her skills, she took a course in audiodescription methodology for cinema at Esit-Paris-Dauphine, which she transposed to audiodescription for choreographic performances.

Since 2012, she has written around twenty descriptive texts for choreographic shows, and speaks them live. Ahead of the show, she offers audiences a tactile tour of the stage and a dance workshop to physically “cross” certain moments in the performance.

She also teaches audiodescription methodology for choreographic performances in various training courses and develops artistic projects based on audiodescription.

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