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Waterproof (Audiodescription)

Year of production
Year of creation

The stage became water; the dancers became amphibians. The bodies evolve like in weightlessness, on a choreography composed of subtilmanipulations, inspired by the new sensations of a revised space.

The stage has turned to water, and the dancers to amphibians. Their bodies move, in a seemingly weightless fashion, to a choreography made up of subtle manipulations inspired by the new sensations of a modified space. The alternation of calm and violent moments helps make tangible the hallucinatory atmosphere of this performance.

The slow walk of a man in a rain coat at the bottom of the pool where bodies in apnea are floating, the jerky scenes of sudden immersion, the struggle at the water surface of dancers harnessed with life rings: some of these images, produced during the elaboration of Daniel Larrieu’s aquatic show in March 1986, were projected onto a screen by the side of the pool and acted as a transition between the scenes of this piece that the press was to dub “the Giselle of the year 2000”.

Source : Patrick Bossatti

Year of production
Year of creation
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