Search among 4636 publications Publications 595 Authors Structures Collections Filter Order 595 publications for page Category Filmed performances Documentaries Masterclass Interviews Dance films Thematics Events Format Integral work Extract of work Chronology Before 1950 Years 1950 Years 1960 Years 1970 Years 1980 Years 1990 Years 2000 Years 2010 Years 2020 Dance type Baroque Butô Circus / Movement arts Classic / Neo classic Contemporary Dance and digital arts Modern dance Society dances Traditional dances Urban dances Jazz Close Order by relevance newest publications older publications Close Show previous publications 7:37 Die Welle (La Vague) [transmission 2020] Albrecht Knust 2:27 Root’in Marcel Gbeffa 3:15 Robinson Michele Di Stefano 4:01 Carte blanche à Zoé Guédard Zoé Guédard 18:21 Zoom on a Chaillot nomade Chaillot-Théâtre National de la Danse 2:52 Magical Anne Juren , Annie Dorsen 3:28 Sinué Mauro Paccagnella 13:20 LES AMANTS MAGNIFIQUES (extraits) Marie-Geneviève Massé 3:02 Kagemi [Beyond the methafors of mirror] Ushio Amagatsu 3:34 Parades & changes, replays Anna Halprin , Anne Collod 5:14 herses (une lente introduction) Boris Charmatz 2:59 Babel (words) Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui , Damien Jalet 5:22 Jamais de l’abîme Pierre Droulers 3:00 Thème et variations George Balanchine 5:20 Sollicitudes Hervé Robbe 3:39 BOUGE #2 Mathilde Monfreux , Simone Mousset , Sylvère Lamotte 14:52 Glabelle Karine Ponties 1:01:56 Blanc – Sèv. | création 2013 Yvann Alexandre 18 publications on 595 Show more