Search among 4636 publications Publications 4636 Authors Structures Collections Filter Order 4636 publications Category Filmed performances Documentaries Masterclass Interviews Dance films Thematics Events Format Integral work Extract of work Chronology Before 1950 Years 1950 Years 1960 Years 1970 Years 1980 Years 1990 Years 2000 Years 2010 Years 2020 Dance type Baroque Butô Circus / Movement arts Classic / Neo classic Contemporary Dance and digital arts Modern dance Society dances Traditional dances Urban dances Jazz Close Order by newest publications older publications Close Show previous publications 2:52 We are Numeridanse : Alban Richard Alban Richard 4:31 We are Numeridanse : Noé Soulier Noé Soulier 6:46 We are Numeridanse : Héla Fattoumi et Éric Lamoureux Éric Lamoureux , Héla Fattoumi 7:47 We are Numeridanse : Christian et François Ben Aïm Christian & François Ben Aïm 2:35 My Brazza David Bobée 5:36 We are Numeridanse : Catherine Tsekenis Tiffanie Deschamps 5:46 We are Numeridanse : Jérémy Tran Jérémy Tran 1:44 [Biennale de la danse 2021] Qudus Onikeku – “RE:Incarnation” | Rehearsals of the Défilé Final Qudus Onikeku 1:41 [Biennale de la danse 2021] Irvin Anneix – “Cher futur moi” | Interview Irvin Anneix 58 [Biennale de la danse 2021] Rehearsals of “Removing Reset” at the CNSMD of Lyon with Noé Soulier Noé Soulier 51 [Biennale de la danse 2021] HKC Company at the Fagor Factories Amala Dianor , Anne Rehbinder , Antoine Colnot 23:37 The Fagor Experience of the Biennale de la danse 2021 Bokeh Production 52:24 EIVV+FIVB JOINT EVENT – FESTIVAL INTERNATIONAL DE VIDÉO DANSE DE BOURGOGNE – 2ND EVENING Franck Boulègue 1:15 L’âne chargé d’éponges et l’âne chargé de sel Jérôme Brabant , Pierre Fourny 56:57 EIVV+FIVB JOINT EVENT – Festival International de Vidéo Danse de Bourgogne – 1st evening Franck Boulègue 6:04 Le Chœur Fanny de Chaillé 5:55 Forecasting Giuseppe Chico , Barbara Matijević 4:52 Performance (à La Station – Gare des Mines, extrait 2) Gisèle Vienne 18 publications on 4636 Show more