Search among 4636 publications Publications 4636 Authors Structures Collections Filter Order 4636 publications Category Filmed performances Documentaries Masterclass Interviews Dance films Thematics Events Format Integral work Extract of work Chronology Before 1950 Years 1950 Years 1960 Years 1970 Years 1980 Years 1990 Years 2000 Years 2010 Years 2020 Dance type Baroque Butô Circus / Movement arts Classic / Neo classic Contemporary Dance and digital arts Modern dance Society dances Traditional dances Urban dances Jazz Close Order by newest publications older publications Close Show previous publications 4:01 SUBLIMINAL (teaser) Thomas Guerry 1:01:17 SUBLIMINAL Thomas Guerry 50:22 SUBLIME Thomas Guerry Filmed performances 53:15 BOUNCE ! Thomas Guerry , Camille Rocailleux 1:01:30 SOLONELY Thomas Guerry 8:27 TRAVERSE (extraits) Thomas Guerry 6:47 LA MÉCANIQUE DES ANGES (extraits) Thomas Guerry 3:49 LISA (teaser) Thomas Guerry 1:00:15 ECHOA (Originale 2001) Thomas Guerry 1:19 From Scratch Iffra Dia 6:31 Passacaille Iffra Dia 7:45 We are Numeridanse : Carolyn Carlson Carolyn Carlson 1:42 We are Numeridanse – Isabelle Giordano Fabien Plasson Masterclass 12:30 In Carolyn Carlson’s Den Carolyn Carlson , Céline Maufroid 45:41 Nulle part est un endroit Nach 2:51 [Biennale de la danse 2021] Yuval Pick – “Vocabulary of Need” | Interview Yuval Pick 1:37 [Biennale de la danse 2021] Noé Soulier – “Removing Reset” | Interview Noé Soulier 2:02 [Biennale de la danse 2021] Christophe Haleb – “Entropic Now” | Interview Christophe Haleb 18 publications on 4636 Show more