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Seeing dance differently
For several years now, the Maison de la danse has been offering special programs for the visually impaired.
During the 2024-2025 season, a series of five dance and choreographic culture workshops were offered, culminating in an audiodescription performance of “Danses non humaines” by Jérôme Bel and Estelle Zhong Mengual.
These workshops, conducted in close collaboration with Valérie Castan, choreographic artist and audiodescriber, and Chiara Gallerani, performer in the show, explored transmission.
Through this approach, participants plunged into the world of Baroque dance, as well as those of Isadora Duncan, Loïe Fuller, Pina Bausch and Sergiu Matis, all choreographers whose works feed into the show “Danses non humaines”.
This video allows us to discover Valérie Castan and Chiara Gallerani’s approach through the workshops they led, and to go behind the scenes of an audio-described show.
This project was made possible thanks to the support of the VISIO Foundation for visually impaired children and adults, a patron of accessibility at the Maison de la danse in Lyon.