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When I create my choreographies, I am consumed with the desire to tell and to understand. That’s why I designed “Resistencia” like an enquiry… An enquiry into the Human Being, into its unbelievable ability to resist.

RESISTENCIA / creation 2002

“It all started by reading the unpretentious yet powerful experience-based book by Miguel Benasayag, prisoner of conscience during the Argentinean dictatorship. This account: “Malgré tout, contes à voix basses des prisons argentines” (In spite of everything, lulled stories of Argentinean prisons), was for me the dancer, the choreographer, the researcher in this laboratory of the human being in his flesh, an enormous emotion and artistic trigger. And this created the need to question this word, resist. To question the substance of the resistant body and to illustrate through dance, the multiple, poetic significations of this vital act. To make the verb resist become: flesh, blood, sweat and movement.

“Tell me, body, tell me to resist”

What do we need so that we do not disintegrate, to react, overcome, say no intellectually and physically to the inconceivable, to the unbearable?

What do we need to restore dignity to tormented souls, to defeated determination, to the chaos of internal ruin? What do we need to keep on standing at every moment?

Energy, a lot of energy. That’s how I see the “Resistencia” dance.

Bodies, if I may say so, I believe the bodies will be exultant through their energy capacity. And beyond the bodies, the dance will illustrate the strength of the soul, the desire to transcend, the quest for human hope. Resistance is the law of matter and of the world; it is also the secret of humans, the secret of the body and of poets”.

When I create my choreographies, I am consumed with the desire to tell and to understand. That’s why I designed “Resistencia” like an enquiry… An enquiry into the Human Being, into its unbelievable ability to resist. I met and listened to these women and men who, all of them, have lived, survived, fought, against States of torturers, states of terror. I let their stories and experiences penetrate into me, resonate in my choreographic work to achieve an echo, metaphors, artistic substance. My requisite in this patient acquisition of states of the resisting body was to discover how to reproduce, through dance, the emotions and the inexpressible that extends beyond words beyond bodies and beyond the sensations of the visible.

Source : Compagnie Acte


Direction artistique Annick Charlot Réalisation Charles Picq Danseurs Jorge Arias,  Annick Charlot, Carla Frison, Anne Laurent, Emilie Tournaire, Lan Qiu-Touret LumièresFrédéric Dugied Scénographie Paula Licastro Composition originale Cristian Morales-Ossio Costumes Frédéric Llinares Production Monique Reboul

Durée  1h00

Updating : April 2012

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