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Red Notes [extrait 3]

Year of production
Year of creation

To perpetuate the work of Andy De Groat: this is the mission that the  young Centre chorégraphique international de nulle part (CCINP andy de  Groat) has set itself. Red notes is the first show that the group has  chosen to revive, twenty years after its final performances. Created in  1977, it is one of the emblematic pieces of Andy De Groat’s “American  period”, so much so that he named his company Red Notes after moving to  France a few years later. Danced to texts by Gertrude Stein and a score  by Philip Glass, Red notes attests to Andy De Groat’s  affinities with the post-modern and minimalist movement. While its  structure is rigorous, the piece mixes amateurs and professionals, and  young and old, as is often the case in the choreographer’s repertoire.  To revive Red notes, the CCINP tasked a research group to  examine the archive resources (notes, notations, photos, videos, and so  on) –and to rediscover the “more natural body, free of narrative  constraints” intended by Andy De Groat. The piece is presented as part  of a programme comprising Fan dance and Rope dance translations.

Source: programme of the CND

Year of production
Year of creation
Artistic advice / Dramaturgy
Martin Barré
Original score
Philip Glass, Michael Galasso
Other collaboration
Notation en cinétographie Laban Vincent Lenfant et Noëlle Simonet – Administration Marie Maubert
Stéphanie Bargues, Séverine Bennevault Caton, Katy Béziex (en alternance), Dominique Brunet (en alternance), Pierre Chauvin-Brunet, Laurent Crespon, Lola Kervroëdan, Tom Lévy, Lilou Magali Robert, Zowie Belhassen, Jeanne Boutillot, Lou Brezot, Jorge Castaneda, Rosalie Frecon, Véronique Labbé, Flore Laplace, Mona Marie, Esther Meunier, Angèle Michard, Sarah Muller, Élodie Raison, Francesca Veneziano, Claudia Waldmann
Production of video work
Enregistré à la MC93 – Maison de la culture de Seine-Saint-Denis à Bobigny, le 17 juin 2022 dans le cadre de l’exposition “Andy De Groat, inspirations et libertés”. Extrait de la soirée “Andy De Groat, une histoire post-moderne”
Technical direction
Régie générale Éric Fassa
Gertrude Stein