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Produit d'autres circonstances (2009)

Réalisation Centre national de la danse
Year of production
Year of creation

Ten years after Produit de circonstances, and at the request of  Boris Charmatz, who took him at his word when he said: “you need just  two hours to become a butō dancer”, Xavier Le Roy put on a new  self-referenced solo which, this time, focused on the practically  improvised apprenticeship of this dance form, which he does not master  professionally. After some research carried out as an amateur, he relays  how you can train to learn a foreign dance, by your own means (through  videos found on the web, testimonies, books, etc…), while running the  risk of displaying the failure of this attempt. Illustrated by these  assorted documents, this non-professional demonstration examines  apprenticeship in terms of economy and personal investment, as well as  the possibility for attentive choreographers to leave behind their  fields of expertise. Punctuated by several danced solos— improvised,  rerun or imitated — the piece finally raises questions about the methods  of apprenticeship and the transmission of a memory via a demonstration  of humility shared intimately, which avoids neither doubts nor  hesitations.

Source: program of the CN D

Réalisation Centre national de la danse
Year of production
Year of creation
Art direction / Design
Xavier Le Roy
123 minutes
Xavier Le Roy
Production of video work
Enregistré au CND le 22 mars 2019
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