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K. Danse's artistic partners

K. Danse's artistic partners

Dancers, choreographers, visual artists, composers, light designers, creative coders, video artists …

Dancers, choreographers, visual artists, composers, light designers, creative coders, video artists …

K. Danse collaborates with:

  • Dancers: Marianne Masson, Mario G Sáez, Fabien Gautier, Muriel Romero (Instituto Stocos), Ambre Cazier, Pauline Lavergne, Izaskun Insausti, David Mazon, Juliette César, Antonella Sampieri, Er Ge Yu, Cassandre Munoz, Chloé Caillat, Céline Chauvet, Coline Baudouin, Clément Garcia, Aude Miyagi, Julien Lecuziat, Benjamin-Aliot Pagès, Yuko Yamada, Alexandra Karsenty, Dhami Panjwani, Actors/actress (Julie Pichavant), etc.
  • Visual and Digital artists: Antoine Schmitt, Arnaud Courcelle, Thomas Guillemet, Clément Barbisan, Tatiana Vilela,  1minute69, Scenocosme, Guillaume Bautista, Albin Bousquet, Claude Jeanmart, Karine Labrunie)
  • Choreographers and scientists Sarah Fdili Alaoui and Sharada Srinivasan (India)
  • Artist and philosopher Jaime del Val
  • Composers: Pablo Palacio, Emmanuel Mondolfo, David Fieffé, Roland Cahen, Jacky Merit
  • Costume designers: Aline Pérot, Marion Péré, Flaure Diallo
  • Photographers and video artists: Fabien Leprieult, Yoann Rihouay, Claude Jeanmart, Emmanuel Rufié, Guillaume Pique
  • Thomas Peyruse (robotician) Manon Schnetzler (visual artist)

Dancers, choreographers

Creative partners who have recently worked or are presently working with K. Danse

Dancers, choreographers

For  more than 10 years now Marianne has chosen to be both a performer for  several companies and a choreographer for her own dance/theater  creations with the MMCC Company. As a performer, Marianne  Masson has toured in Asia, Latin America, in Africa and in Europe ; She  took part in 2 high scale European projects with K. Danse Company: Metabody and Wholodance and was a resident artist selected by the Bogliasco Foundation (Genoa – Italy). Marianne Masson is or has been a performer for the Théâtre Réel, Son’Icône Danse, K. Danse, Emmanuel Grivet, Erre que Erre Danza (Barcelone – Spain), Les Âmes Fauves and the Tide Company.

Mario García Sáez (1973, Murcia). Graduate in Educational Psychology  from UNED. Diploma in Classical Dance from the Royal Conservatory of  Madrid. Master in Business Management and Cultural Institutions, UB  (Barcelona). 

He is a co-founder, choreographer and interpreter of  the Erre que erre collective, with which he has won several choreography  awards, made stage productions and video dances since its foundation in  1996. 

Previously, he worked as an interpreter with the  company Danat Dansa in Barcelona and in productions of La Fura dels  Baus, Lanònima Imperial, Senza Tempo and Iliacan. 

He is  currently a collaborating artist and interpreter in projects of AADK  Spain, Laia Santanach, Sebastián García Ferro, Albert Quesada, K Danse  (France) and Ravid Abarbanel (Israel).

After having trained at the Montpellier Conservatory in contemporary  dance and then in the Extensions training at the Toulouse CDCN, Fabien  dances for different choreographers and directors such as Marta  Izquierdo, Jean-Marc Matos, Anne Lefèvre, Amélie Poirier. He also works  with PULX for workshops and creations with non-professional dancers and  children.

Pauline has studied dance at the Dance Conservatory in Toulouse, at the University of Paris8 (Dance ;Psychology), and in  S.E.A.D (Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance) in Austria. She is identified in the professional field as a dancer, performer and choreographer.

Pauline works with different companies and artists collectives and is currently developping her own work.

Choreographic artist, performer, choreographer. 

Co-director of the Octopods company. 

With the K. Danse company since 2012

Izaskun has studied ballet and contemporary dance in Spain and France. She is concerned also about others disciplines like acrobatics, theater or martial arts. She has danced or she collaborates presently in companies and projects from different countries like Plan B Sagardoy/Bravo, LaMov (Spain), B.F.A.M./ Seifeddine Manaï (France-Tunisie), L’Hélice/Myriam Naisy and operas in the Capitole National Theater in Toulouse, Ko Murobushi (Japon) and Cuatro X Cuatro (Mexique). She works currently with the companies K. Danse/ Jean- Marc Matos and Hors Sol/ Marie-Elisabeth Wachter, and she also develop some personal projects like the piece “Alliezah” where meet music, animation and dance.

Lisa Biscaro Balle has studied contemporary dance at the Conservatory of Montpellier and at the “Centre de Développement Chorégraphique National” in Toulouse (FR). 

She also cultivates self-teaching -singing-, informal learning -brazilian  percussions- and training on the job -theatre. All of these practices  form the basis of her projects, as a performer as well as a creator.

Born in Ecuador, David trained at the Boulogne-Billancourt Conservatory and then at CDC of Toulouse. He worked with Byron Paredes, Ruxandra Racovitza, Gigi Caliccuiliano, Ingeborg Liptay, Simona Bucci, Vincent Dupont, Alain Buffard, Mladen Materic, Robyn Orlin, Christian Rizzo, Fernando Melo and collaborated among others with Akram Khan, Kader Belarbi and the Pina Bausch Company. He joined the Cie Sara Ducat  and K. Danse (Toulouse) in 2014 and Ex Nihilo (Marseille) in 2015.
In 2011, he founded the Humanum Company, in Toulouse projects in movement, dance and living arts.

Trained  in classical and contemporary dance in the Toulouse area she, very  early in her career, enjoyed mixing, incorporating, performing  indifferent ways and for different audiences.
Inspiration,  sounds and words are the basis of her exploration into the field of  movement, as much as in the human interaction, transmission and  exchange.

Currently she works as a freelance artist with choreographers as: Jean-Marc Matos,  Marco Berretini, Jean Philip Dury and “Nitch” by Marco Goecke. She has created her own company “Antonella Sampieri Adi” for which she performs since 2014.

In 2009 she founded the MMCC Company (Toulouse-2009) with her partner Marianne Masson, mixing contemporary dance and live music.

Meanwhile she also works as a dancer for several companies as Emmanuel Grivet (Tournefeuille), K. Danse (Toulouse), Son Icone Danse (Nantes), Common Initiative (London), Bombes 2 Bal (Toulouse), Danses en l’R (Reunion Island) ; in addition to this she also develops regular work of transmission to school audiences, Conservatoires.

She is an assistant professor at LRI-Université Paris-Sud 11  and Ex)Situ INRIA research team in interaction design, human computer Interaction and dance. She is a choreographer, a dancer and a Laban Movement Analyst. Before her current position, she was a researcher at the School of Interactive Arts+Technology at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, within the MovingStories project. I hold a PhD in Art and Science from University Paris-Sud 11 and the IRCAM-Centre Pompidou and LIMSI-CNRS research institutes. She has a MSc from University Joseph Fourier and an Engineering Degree from ENSIMAG in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science and over 20 years of training in ballet and contemporary dance.
She is interested in intersecting research in interaction design with dance making and choreography. She has been involved in many art and science projects, collaborating with dancers, visual artists, computer scientists and designers to create interactive dance performances, interactive installations, as well as systems for supporting choreography and dance learning and documentation.

Lucien Brabec started dancing hip hop at a young age. He discovers contemporary dance as a revelation. He has studied at the Dance Conservatory in Montpellier before meeting with Nathalie Pernette with whom he has collaborated ever since. Street dancer as much as stage performer, he is also working with other companies like Hiatus, Pic la Poule, Oposito, Klah, MMCC…



Guillaume Pique , Pique Guillaume


RCO outdoors

Visual artists, philosophers, composers, video artists, creative coders, lights designers, photographers, …

Creative partners

Visual artists, philosophers, composers, video artists, creative coders, lights designers, photographers, …

Who have recently worked or are presently working with K. Danse

Antoine Schmitt
Arnaud Courcelle
Jaime del Val
Emilie Villemagne
Claude Jeanmart
Thomas Guillemet
Clément Barbisan

Thomas Peyruse
Fabien Leprieult
Yarol Stuber

Emmanuel Mondolfo

Installation artist, Antoine Schmitt creates artworks in the form of  objects, installations and live performances to address the processes of  movement in their plastic, philosophical or social dimensions. This  work has been exhibited in several internationals festivals and has  received several awards (Ars Electronica, Transmediale).

Après des études de médecine à Toulouse, il se consacre à l’art et son travail s’intègre dans un processus visant la performance et l’improvisation.
C’est dans cette perspective qu’il réalise des interfaces numériques et élabore une réflexion autour de la création d’un langage commun entre les médiums artistiques. Il conçoit de même des logiciels pour la projection vidéo, intégrant des modules gérant l’interaction homme-machine, lui permettant de jouer des formes à travers le mouvement des danseurs et du son des musiciens. Il a ainsi participé à la scénographie de nombreux spectacles vivants tels Errance avec Jean-Marc Matos, L’Eloge de l’incertitude avec Etienne Schwartz, Les Hurlements de Léo chante Mano Solo avec Fred Kleinberg, CBH avec Didié Labbé, Electric Geisha, Modgeist.
Depuis 2011, il créé des installations numériques et interactives, entre autres Focale-Z, Les Martines, Juke Box Nuit blanche Ecran noir, Shape_of_memory avec Philippe Boisnard, </paysages électroniques>.Son travail est régulièrement exposé en France et à l’étranger, dans des festivals comme le THSF à Toulouse, DigiWorld à Montpellier, Gamerz à Aix-en-Provence, Horizons Numériques à l’abbaye d’Escaladieu, Atlanta science Festival à Atlanta, ou bien sur internet Il conçoit de même des installations vidéo-mapping interactives présentées lors du Festival Les Machines à Liver, au Théâtre Jean Vilar, ainsi que l’habillage vidéo de la Gare Matabiau à Toulouse à l’occasion de la Fête de la musique en 2012. En 2015, il coréalise avec Philippe Boisnard une borne interactive pour une exposition sur l’Hermione ainsi que dans 12 villes aux Etats-Unis. En 2016 il créé un dispositif, </connect>, qui servira de base à ses nouvelles créations et à son axe de recherche : l’esthétique de l’interaction de masse.

Jaime del Val is a transdisciplinary media artist, philosopher, activist, promotor of the Metabody Project, Forum and Institute, and the non profit organisation Reverso, polyglot, currently based in Madrid and the rural area of Salamanca, after periods in London, Florence, Barcelona and travelling worldwide. Since 2000 Jaime develops transdisciplinary projects in the transvergence of arts (dance, performance, architecture, visual and media arts, music), technologies, critical theory and activism. Jaime’s projects propose redefinitions of embodiment, perception and space that challenge contemporary control society as well as normative conceptions of affect, sex, gender, ability or intimacy and have been presented with over 120 performances, metaformances and installations in museums, theatres, festivals, urban and rural areas, refugee camps and numerous unconventional places, in novel experiential formats in over 50 cities of 25 countries, across Europe, North and South America, Asia and Africa.

Emilie Villemagne is an independent experimental film-maker and  video-jockey (eMTv). After taking the video out of the screen and  questioned the physical being of the body on stage through performance  art with the queer femininist collective UrbanPorn, she’s been extending  her creative research with 1minute69 for nearly ten years, mixing  creative coding, video-making, body-talk and sound poetry. As of now,  she’s focusing on event-organization for the Sillon Lauzé  volunteered-run cultural space in Marvejols, Lozère (France), and  hosting a radio-show each month on 48FM Mende, called E/xit M/usic.

Gregory Lasserre and Anais met den Ancxt are two artists who work together as a duo under the name Scenocosme.

They develop the concept of interactivity in their artworks by using  multiple kind of expression : art, technology, sounds and architecture.
They mix art and digital technology in order to find substances of  dreams, poetries, sensitivities and delicacies. They also explore  invisible relationships with our environment: they can feel energetic  variations of living beings. They design interactive artworks, and  choreographic collective performances, in wich spectators share  extraordinary sensory experiences.
Interactive and digital art, installation, design, music,  architecture… are combined in the projects realised by Scenocosme.

Painter and plastic artist, Claude JEANMART practices and combines both painting and graphic techniques as well as digital and video techniques in the service of his passion for the dancing body, in movement, the body touched and drawn blind, the body celebrated by mythology and literature.

Artist and designer, and lecturer on a Master of Design and Global Research Innovation and Visual Arts degree. Specialized in incompatibilities in human-machine relations (as a working tool), corporeality and special needs robotics, (Dis)fordance and disnovation, and DIY. Studies at École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs, Paris (Major), School of Visual Arts and Cooper Union à New York. Laureate of the Fondation de France, Fondation Bettencourt Schueller, Révélation Emerige, winner of a scholarship awarded by the Ministry of culture and communication, last exhibition: Villa Arson ; “La poétique du sabotage”. 

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Having focused on perception during his studies at the Beaux-art of Paris, Clément he now also programs in order to be able to create systems, which allow for the spectator to question her or his own perception. 

Roboticist and clown, he actuates robots as if they were puppets,  telling stories of characters and having their own chaotic dynamics.  Humanoids, wheeled, flying, hanging, poly-articulated or walking robots,  these role-playing objects can explore stage, street, from funny to  fully conceptual. Moreover, he explores the interactions with human  body.

Tech director, Cie Plan B
Tech director for Cie monsieur madame et and Compagnie K. Danse
Lights, Elec, Mechanical structures lifting…, at Concept Group Agence de Toulouse

Technician et Théâtre Garonne
Prior: technician at La Place de la Danse – CDCN Toulouse Occitanie
Prior: actor and technician at Théâtre Le Ring
Prior: actor, singer and technician at Busy Voice Experimentation – Cie Non Attribuée
Studies: Arts du spectacle – Théâtre à University of Nice Sophia Antipolis
Prior: at Lycée Thierry Maulnier

Compositeur, guitariste, Emmanuel Mondolfo étudie les musiques actuelles puis la composition électroacoustique au conservatoire de Toulouse où il suit la classe de Bertrand Dubedout. Il joue et écrit de la musique pour Ernest Barbery (chansons hybride) et Gravity (pop expérimentale) qu’il co-fonde avec Serge Faubert. Actif sur la scène des musiques improvisées, il participe à de nombreuses formations comme le CrUmd (groupe de recherche constitué de musiciens improvisateurs et de danseurs), le fil (grand orchestre), la rallonge (improvisation sur des courts métrages), ou encore avec Denis Badault. Il collabore fréquemment avec l’artiste numérique Arnaud Courcelle avec qui il crée des dispositifs sonores interactifs pour des installations numériques (paysages, ID) et accompagne des performances. Il compose la musique interactive pour les spectacles « Errance » et « Narcissus Reflected » de la compagnie K. Danse. Il développe une écriture musicale intégrant des interactions, avec un public ou des performeurs, créant ainsi des compositions complexes avec de multiples chemins possibles en fonction des choix des utilisateurs. Bien que multipliant les expériences (composition pour oeuvres chorégraphiques, musique acousmatique, improvisation libre, oeuvre multimédia, …) l’unité de ses travaux se trouve dans sa démarche de questionnement sur la perception de l’auditeur.

Each new production of K. Danse is an opportunity to deepen an already established collaboration and also a chance to meet with new artists.Other partners from the past and recent times will be regurarly added in this virtual exhibit-catalog.

New artists

Aude started dancing at the age of 18. She has studied fabric design at the National School of Applied Arts, Paris. Once she received her diploma, Aude decided to dedicate herself exclusively to dancing. She has performed with various contemporary dance companies such as Karine Saporta, Magali Lesueur, K. Danse… In 2012, she joined the “Ballet Preljocaj” for 3 years and participated to the creation of “The nights”. She has also performed in other pieces like « Snow White » and « One thousand years of peace will come», while touring worldwide. In 2016, until 2018, she joined the Franco Dragone team in Macau (China), for the “The house of dancing water” show where she has been the back up for the first role.

Jade Pelaprat started dancing at the Dance Academy at La Rochelle when she was 7 years old. When shes was 20 years old, she started a professional dance course at the James Carles Center, Toulouse. She is working for several choreographers: Samuel Mathieu, for a project dedicated to young audiences, « Grand Schlem », and for an inter-university project, « Swag »,  which has been presented at the Avignon festival. Pedro Pauwels, in various site specific projects, including a work in progress related to the painterJuan Miro for young audiences. The Audrey Gary company Justeici, for the performance « werfen », a piece based on the movements of street demonstrators. Furthermore, she is working on a transdisciplinay and participatory project with the inhabitants of 3 cities next to Toulouse.

More coming soon …


Virtual exhibition credits: Jean-Marc Matos
Production: K. Danse
Photo credits for articles’s bloc: 

Christian Varlet, Fabien Leprieult
Vimeo channel
teaser of Myselves, 2019 production
Transdisciplinary platform Metabody_Toulouse
FaceBook page

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