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Esse Alguém sabe quem

Year of production
Year of creation

Sur un florilège de chansons d’amour brésiliennes des années 50-60, la compagnie Mimulus brode un spectacle plein de charme et de tendresse où toutes les danses latines flirtent avec le swing et le rock.

The proposal of Esse alguém sabe quem is to bring into scene the many different ways of loving and meeting the other. As a man and a woman get together and entangled in social dances, and with the appeal of the lyrics of many songs, feelings such as sorrow, everlasting love, jealousy, loss, longing are discussed; the radio and other media are used so as to hide people behind word puzzles. The name of the show (“And this someone, you know the one”) comes from the songs that were usually anonymously offered at amusement parks and radio programs to that ‘someone special’.

In other words, the Company uses the dance to replace the speech and comes up with a romantic and funny show which, instead of being presented, is offered to the audience.

The songs, besides being all Brazilian, are all on love. The choreography goes through different rhythms and beyond the limits of social dances, being marked by hugs along the way. Bringing jingles, memorable ads and a passage of a radio soap opera all together into its context, this show does not follow a precise time sequence but rather can be seen as a great radio program.

Right after its première, it was pointed out as the year’s most outstanding theatrical production thus consolidating all the work developed by Mimulus Dance Company.

Year of production
Year of creation
Alexandre Galvao, Wladimir Medeiros, Geraldo Otaviano
Production of video work
Biennale – 2002
Set design
Ed Andrade
Production of choreographic work
Jacqueline de Castro