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Michel Kelemenis
Le Sixième Pas
Michel Kelemenis , Katharina Christl
Olivier Dubois (à propos d’ELEGIE)
Olivier Dubois
Olivier Dubois
Emanuel Gat
3 in passacaglia
Yasuyuki Endo
Yannick Rayne
Ni en suenos
Marcos Maroc
Tempo Vicino
Lucinda Childs
Ou pas
Christian Rizzo
“Élégie”, a creation for the Ballet National de Marseille is to be seen as a melancholic crossing.
Olivier Dubois has gone on to invent forms with extremely meticulous scores whose almost mechanical precision allows a state of abandonment
to be attained.
“Élégie”, his creation for the Ballet National de Marseille is to be seen as a melancholic crossing.
« A lament, themournful singing of the Angel… a melancholic creature, “that being who attests to the recognition of a higher level of reality in
the invisible”. It is the experience of creation… I – damaged!
Tame this dark magma. Nothing. Gaping openness, or savage survival, I am the victim of my own knife, I open the wound and watch my
world become flooded.
I am the Angel generated, poured out then turned over, swallowed by this night which spreads its darkness over everything.
I see it, there, like an attempt at dialogue in the afterlife, a reprieve… like the giddiness of a crazy horizon, the lunatic, the artist confronted
with the axis of his mortality, of his human finiteness. »