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Danser ensemble

Réalisation Centre national de la danse
Year of production

Danser ensemble (Dancing Together) is a global project: interdisciplinary, evolutionary and, above all, human, as it is woven  from encounters. It’s almost a life project for Alice Davazoglou, an artist who embraces living with Down’s syndrome to the point of shaking  things up: what if, this time, it wasn’t the non-disabled who made the disabled dance, but vice versa? On the strength of this conviction and intention, and in support of the book she has written – Je suis Alice Davazoglou, je suis trisomique normale mais ordinaire –, the artist invites ten major choreographers on the French scene to  perform a short choreography written for them. Gaëlle Bourges, Lou Cantor, Bruce Chiefare, Nathalie Hervé, Marc Lacourt, Bérénice  Legrand, Xavier Lot, Béatrice Massin, Mickaël Phelippeau, Alban Richard – all performers-choreographers we love to see dance, accompanied by the CND – will come together in her moving piece. Danser ensemble opens a secret door into her labyrinth of thoughts. The challenge is clear: to touch the heart!

Source: programme of the CND

Réalisation Centre national de la danse
Year of production
Choreography assistance
Marion Gaben & Mélanie Giffard
Abigail Fowler
Other collaboration
Facilitatrices de projet Françoise Davazoglou & Jeanne Métivier – Photos Agathe Lacorne & Arsène Marquis
Gaëlle Bourges, Lou Cantor, Bruce Chiefare, Nathalie Hervé, Marc Lacourt, Bérénice Legrand, Xavier Lot, Béatrice Massin, Mickaël Phelippeau, Alban Richard
Production of video work
Enregistré au CND le 19 novembre 2024
Régie son Laurent Dumoulin
Production of choreographic work
Audrey Jardin & Elisabeth Lamy
Technical direction
Régie générale Joris Valet
Video production
Thibaut Ras