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Danser ensemble
Danser ensemble (Dancing Together) is a global project: interdisciplinary, evolutionary and, above all, human, as it is woven from encounters. It’s almost a life project for Alice Davazoglou, an artist who embraces living with Down’s syndrome to the point of shaking things up: what if, this time, it wasn’t the non-disabled who made the disabled dance, but vice versa? On the strength of this conviction and intention, and in support of the book she has written – Je suis Alice Davazoglou, je suis trisomique normale mais ordinaire –, the artist invites ten major choreographers on the French scene to perform a short choreography written for them. Gaëlle Bourges, Lou Cantor, Bruce Chiefare, Nathalie Hervé, Marc Lacourt, Bérénice Legrand, Xavier Lot, Béatrice Massin, Mickaël Phelippeau, Alban Richard – all performers-choreographers we love to see dance, accompanied by the CND – will come together in her moving piece. Danser ensemble opens a secret door into her labyrinth of thoughts. The challenge is clear: to touch the heart!
Source: programme of the CND