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Dance films

Corps In Situ [1/4]

Year of production

Corps in situ, a collaborative work combining dance with Denis Plassard and video with Jean-Camille Goimard.

The aim of this choreographic project is to enable each of the people we support to develop and express their creative potential, with a view to enhancing their self-esteem and breaking down barriers, both on an intimate level and in society as a whole. The aim is to turn ‘blocked bodies’ into ‘free bodies’.

Year of production
Choreography assistance
Albane Moreau, Élodie Michel, Marie-Laure Soteras, Sigolène Vaganay
Odynéo, Etablissement les Tourrais de Craponne. Bruno Camy, Anli Hamidou, Sid Ali Krache, Sylvie Negron, Laura Tourondel
Production of video work
Cette collection a été réalisée dans le cadre du dispositif “Culture et santé” soutenu par la DRAC Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, la région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes et l’Agence Régionale de Santé