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Che Malambo

Year of production
Year of creation

The grandsons of the gauchos, who grew up with rock and roll and contemporary dance, have now unleashed their own dance. “Che Malambo” is a powerful ballet giving full expression to the virtuosity of Argentinean malambo and the uncommon force of its zapateados (characteristic foot stamping). Like some savage horde, hot-tempered, enigmatic, the fourteen dancers – half-man, half-horse – offer a show that is vibrant from the first to the last breath with the traditions of the pampas. They vie with each other in stamping their “zapateados”, beat time and a galloping rhythm with the “bombo”, a large wooden drum with a skin head. The “boleadores” spin the “ñanduceras” (South American equivalents of the lasso, long cords armed with wooden balls on the ends), in dizzying fashion.

Sources : Maison de la Danse programme


Concept, mise en scène et direction généraleGilles Brinas, assisté de Sylvie Peron chorégraphie Le vocabulaire traditionnel du malambo et les techniques personnelles de chaque danseur adaptation et composition Gilles Brinas danseurs Marcos Beierbach, Martin Ciares (champion 2008) Federico Gareis, Julio Garrido « El Cordobés » (champion 1997) Guillermo Gómez, Juan Gómez, Matias Jaime (champion 2007) Albano Jiménez, Walter Kotchanovski, Sebastian Lubo, Fabian Maza, Ruben Rodríguez, Fabian Serna, Ariel Sosa maître de balletFabian Maza lumières François-Éric Valentin régie lumière Yann Rouzic, Pierre Daubigny costumes Heyoka réalisés dans les ateliers Fran Yard (Buenos Aires)
Ont contribué à la réalisation du spectacle Nydia Viola, Cristian Vatimo et Fernando Mattoso du Ballet Folklorico Nacional Argentin et Antonio Leiva, Carlos Mathus, César Mathus du Teatro Empire de Buenos Aires organisation générale Brigitte & Béatrice Gruber/Cultures du Monde tour managerStéphanie RiboRéalisation vidéo Charles Picq date du document vidéo 2007 productionMaison de la Danse 

Durée de l’œuvre 1h20

Year of production
Year of creation