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Chantier poétique [Des corps différents ou violents]

Réalisation Centre national de la danse
Year of creation

Recorded at the CND 7 November 2008

“To create a new piece, first you have to simultaneously occupy a space, create a territory and produce the conditions necessary to survive there.”

When the Lia Rodrigues Companhia de Danças decided to go into the Favela da Maré, a vast area of the city of Rio, little visited by contemporary artists, the company was putting itself into an unstable situation. Their activities over the course of four years were a work of resistance. The community of Nova Holanda, an area of the Favela da Maré inhabited by 20,000 people, is the company’s new home.

“Adapting, moving, developing strategies, demolition, repair, restoration. Consolidating the ground so that artwork can exist. Getting a construction site off the ground.”

Lia Rodrigues

Updating: December 2010

Réalisation Centre national de la danse
Year of creation
Artistic advice / Dramaturgy
Silvia Soter
Choreography assistance
Amalia Lima
Other collaboration
Collaborateur artistique Dani Lima – Professeurs João Saldanha, Paulo Marques, Dani Lima, Claudia Damasio, Caroline Baudoin – Remerciements à Geo CAVAILHO
Amália Lima, Allyson Amaral, Ana Paula Kamozaki, Leonardo Nunes, Clarissa Rego, Carolina Campos, Thais Galliac, Volmir Cordeiro, Priscilla Maia, avec la participation à la création de Gustavo Barros, Calixto Neto, Lidia Larangeira, Gabriele Nascimento, Jeane de Lima, Luana Bezerra