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Baroque et posture

Réalisation Centre national de la danse
Year of creation

Recorded at the CND 13 May 2008

Dance Masterclass with Béatrice Massin 

Baroque dance is, more than anything else, a matter of “becoming one” with the music. The stuff of the dancing body is ample and generous, as seen in baroque paintings and sculptures. The precision of gesture and rhythm is not at odds with this fullness, as the technique is based on notions of weight and dropping. The musical dynamics dictate to the dancers the densities of the space in which their mobility remains constant. In this way, space and musical colour are completely mingled and offer the performers a fertile ground in which their personalities can be developed.

Updating : November 2010

Réalisation Centre national de la danse
Year of creation
Art direction / Design
Béatrice Massin
Music live
claveciniste Freddy Eichelberger
danseurs de la compagnie Fêtes Galantes Céline Angibaud, Bruno Benne, Sarah Berreby, Laura Brembilla, Olivier Collin, Laurent Crespon, Sébastien Ly, Gudrun Skamletz