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A l'Ouest - Olivia Grandville

Création 2018

Year of production
Year of creation

Cette pièce est dédiée à Marguerite Wylde (1950-2017)

«To strike the ground with our feet, pound the sacred earth, to communicate with the spirits, to make the body and the earth resonate with the proclamation of our existence in the world, our resistance, our rebellion, stomping to wake the dead, tapping like the deaf, hoping for ghosts, to vibrate, to shake our living matter, to stand as a shield against hidden death, to chant our tiny lives.»

The background to this project: a foreign perspective, a journey of discovery in the footsteps of the composer Moondog, to the heart of the Aboriginal reserves of Canada and North America. A pretext to discover Native American culture, a childhood fantasy that has endured into adulthood, a story that is both fascinating and shameful.

Ultimately, it’s a story at the heart of today’s appalling reality.

Aim: to share the experience of this seminal pulse and what it continues to represent for these communities: the affirmation of a culture that is still alive despite the genocide, a revolutionary and spiritual heart that continues to beat against the tide of the West.

Beyond this encounter, there is the question of displacement, geographical, cultural, artistic and personal, to perhaps also question our own foundations, boundaries and avant-gardes. This question is articulated around a recurring motif: the pulse and its repetition.

An endeavour to reveal how this beating of the heart, of bodies, and of the world is also our own.

And then there’s a people who never took more from nature than it could provide and who continue to defend these values today in Trump’s America, a people who one day imagined defeating entire cavalries of heavily-armed soldiers by dancing day and night – that speaks to me and it should speak to us all.

Who are the new Indians?

Olivia Grandville

Year of production
Year of creation
Art direction / Design
Olivia Grandville
Choreography assistance
Stéphane Pauvret, Aurélien Desclozeaux, Anne Reymann, Fabrice Le Fur
1H30 (film Traverser les grandes eaux compris)
Yves Godin
Music live
Percussions : Paul Loiseau
Original score
Alexis Degrenier, Moondog
Other collaboration
Régie lumière : Titouan Geoffroy / Regard extérieur : Magali Caillet / Remerciements : Amaury Cornut, Carl Seguin, Réjean Boutet, Malik Kistabish, Marguerite Wylde, Israël Wylde-McDougall, Katia Rock et Marie Léger.
Olivia Grandville, Marie Orts, Sidonie Duret ou Nolwenn Ferry, Emma Müller, Émilie Szikora
Production of video work
Avec les aides de l’ADAMI pour la création et pour la réalisation de captation vidéo.
Set design
Yves Godin, Olivia Grandville
Jonathan Kingsley Seilman
Production of choreographic work
Production : Mille Plateaux, CCN La Rochelle Co-productions : Le lieu unique, scène nationale de Nantes ; La Place de la Danse – CDCN Toulouse / Occitanie; la Ménagerie de Verre (Paris) ; le Centre Chorégraphique National de Nantes ; de Charleroi danse, Centre chorégraphique de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles; le Centre National de Danse Contemporaine d’Angers. Avec les aides de l’ADAMI pour la création et pour la réalisation de captation vidéo. Avec le soutien de La Ville de Nantes, du Département de Loire-Atlantique, de l’Institut Français, de l’Ambassade de France à Ottawa (CA); l’aide à la création et à la captation de l’ADAMI.
Olivia Grandville
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