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Lukas Karvelis is a Lithuanian dancer and choreographer. He studied at the MK Čiurlionis School of Arts in Lithuania and later at Codarts University of the Arts in Rotterdam. Lukas Karvelis has worked with choreographers such as Anouk Van Dijk, Marina Mascarell, Dunja Jocic, and Falk Richter. His creative work explores processes of dependence and attachment, whether to something or someone. He has toured extensively across Europe and internationally.

He won second place for choreography and first place in the video category for his solo performance Blank Spots in 2018 at the Solo-Tanz competition in Stuttgart. In 2019, this work received second place at the Jerusalem Dance Week. In 2020, Lukas Karvelis was nominated for Best Dancer at the Piket Kunst Prijs, the Dutch Young Artists Awards. In 2023, he received the Young Artist Award from the Lithuanian Ministry of Culture.

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