Search among 4648 publications Publications Authors Structures Collections Show previous publications 2:35 The Spectator’s moment (2016): Barak Marshall Barak Marshall 2:12 The Spectator’s moment (2018): Johan Inger Johan Inger 2:07 The Spectator’s moment (2016): Patricia Apergi Patricia Apergi 2:15 The Spectator’s Moment (2014): Boris Eifman Boris Eifman 2:05 The Spectator’s Moment (2018): Ballet de Lorraine Petter Jacobsson 2:47 The Spectator’s moment (2022): Akram Khan Akram Khan 2:31 The spectator’s moment (2015): La Belle Danse Francine Lancelot 1:40 The spectator’s moment (2015): Kyle Abraham Kyle Abraham 3:06 Parkours France) Soraya Thomas (La Reunion 2:26 The Spectator’s moment (2019): Les Claquettes Fabien Plasson Documentaries 1:51 The spectator’s moment (2015): Luc Petton Luc Petton 50:26 Overseas Heddy Maalem 3:16 Democracy Maud Le Pladec 2:52 La Minute du spectateur (2022) : Tânia Carvalho Tânia Carvalho 3:08 La Minute du spectateur (2022) : Catherine Diverrès Catherine Diverrès 3:03 La Minute du spectateur (2022) : Boris Charmatz Boris Charmatz 2:27 The Spectator’s moment (2020): Mathurin Bolze Mathurin Bolze 2:21 The spectator’s moment (2021): David Coria David Coria 18 publications on 609 Show more