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Welcome to Bienvenue [transmission 2019]
An extract remodelled by the band ART21, artistic coordinators Françoise Davazoglou and Nathalie Hervé, as part of Danse en amateur et répertoire programme 2018/2019 (a programme created to assist and promote amateur dancing). Transmission by Bienvenue Bazié, Nathalie Hervé, Xavier Lot. Presented 25 May 2019, Centre national de la danse, Pantin.
The dance work when it was created
Welcome to Bienvenue
Created 6 November 2004 at La Fabrique de mouvements – Aubervilliers
Choreography: Xavier Lot
Work for one performer: Bienvenue Bazié
Music: DJ Olive, Pita, Christian Fennesz
Original duration: 45 minutes
The group
ART21 (Laon, Hauts-de-France)
The association Regard Trisomie 21 seeks to change the view of the role of people with a disability, by placing dance and physical practices at the heart of their actions. For this group of nineteen amateur dancers, aged between eighteen and fifty-nine years old, artistic practice is an opportunity for initiating an all-inclusive, mixed space for sharing, a vector of emancipation and uniqueness. Hand-in-hand with the choreographer and Feldenkrais practitioner Nathalie Hervé, ART21 regularly invites choreographers, dancers and visual artists like Valérie Dumas, Daniel Larrieu, Ramuntcho Matta and Mickaël Phelippeau to undertake creative projects engaged in transforming social representations.
The project
Welcome to Bienvenue, solo created by Xavier Lot for the Burkina Faso dancer Bienvenue Bazié, is an ode to freedom beyond the realms of constraints and borders. By reproducing this solo for six dancers, ART21 extends this dance’s message and endows it with universal reach. Each dancer’s body, exuding personal history as well as social history, becomes a thread for exploring identity as if it were an emotional map portrayed directly on the skin.