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Une Fantôme-Danse

Création habitants 2017

Year of production
Year of creation

From October 2016 to April 2017, over eight working weekends on the stage of Le Trident theatre in Cherbourg-en-Cotentin, Alban Richard invited a group of 40 residents aged 17 to 74 to participate in the creation of a choreographic piece. This journey was an opportunity for everyone to participate in the development of a common project.

Une Fantôme-Danse is a choreographic piece inspired by the spirits, monsters or spectres that are summoned during rituals, shamanic dances or traditional celebrations marking the changing of the seasons, through which men attempt to influence the mysterious forces of nature, and to revive primitive feelings of fear and superstitious terror.

Dispelling evil spirits, dancing at a furious tempo, dancing the dead, performing frantic dances for one’s community, eradicating fear and stabilising the spirit, Une Fantôme-Danse revives dance as an archaic, sacred and ritual activity.

Year of production
Year of creation
Choreography assistance
Camille Cau, Max Fossati
Marie Hardy
Nadia Abouel­ka­ram, Antoine Auvray, Ingrid Bailleul, Cécile Barouillet, Lau­rence Bohec, Jean-Jacques Char­pen­tier, Amé­lie Cor­bet, Janine Cro­cher, Sonia Delage, Mathieu Delangle, Lau­rence Dumas, Chan­tal Grim­pard, Agnès Groult, Gisèle Hébert, Nico­las Her­vé, Elsa Lamo­ra, Mireille Le Revert, Claude Lecos­tey, Emma­nuelle Lefebvre, Fabrice Lefebvre-Cham­pous­sin, Jona­than Lehoux, Claire Leloutre, Dylan Leter­rier, Louise Loren­deau, Rémy Marie, Nico­las Pin­sault, Fran­çoise Quel­ven­nec, Mar­tin Robieu, Jean-Pierre Rou­lette, Frie­de­rike Schwei­ze­rhof, Chan­tal Ser­vant, Gil­das Tho­mas, Pas­cale Tour­mente, Clé­men­tine Tra­vert, Paule Viste
Production of choreographic work
Pro­duc­tion délé­guée centre cho­ré­gra­phique natio­nal de Caen en Normandie Copro­duc­tion Le Tri­dent – scène natio­nale de Cherbourg-en-Cotentin Avec le sou­tien du CCAS de Cherbourg-en-Cotentin
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