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The Way Things Go [transmission 2019]
An extract remodelled by the group Atelier amateur, coordinator Sylvain Huc, as part of Danse en amateur et répertoire programme 2018/2019 (a programme created to assist and promote amateur dancing). Transmission by Naiara Mendioroz Azkarate. Presented 25 May 2019, la Grande Salle, les Magasins généraux, Pantin.
The dance work when it was created
The Way Things Go
Firstly produced 6 October 2009 at the Grand Théâtre in Groningen (Netherlands)
Choreography: Jefta van Dinther
Dance work for 5 performers: Kyung-Sun Baek, Jefta van Dinther, Luís Miguel Félix, Naiara Mendioroz Azkarate, Norberto Llopis Segarra
Music: work performed in silence
Original duration: 45 minutes
The group
Atelier amateur (Cazals, Occitania)
The Atelier amateur is a group comprising seven dancers aged between thirty-three and forty-nine years old. They met when participating in workshops organized by the Faits et Gestes association, focusing on individual exploration work, collective improvisation and instant composition. This workshop work led to the creation of several projects with the Compagnie Divergences which, above and beyond simple technical practice, enabled them to experiment with the various creation process phases and to present performances.
The project
Inspired by the famous video made by the artists Fischli and Weiss, Der Lauf der Dinge [The Way Things Go] based on an immense domino effect, Jefta van Dinther’s work places emphasis on the transmission of movement from one body to another. This physical exploration works like a chain reaction, where bodies are subjected to pushes, falls, pressure, disequilibrium. On a proposal made by Sylvain Huc, the Atelier amateur dancers incorporated this long sequence of actions, constantly on the verge of collapsing: a unique approach to movement, which enables them to experience time, space and the relationship with the public.