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Strata.2 [extrait 1]
Maria Donata D’Urso’s “Strata.2” is an installation-performance designed around an elastic, deformable structure. Two solos for the same piece, one functioning as the negative of the other.
“Strata.2 is a dialogue, a game, a dance… A tableau, a diptych. It’s not a show, it’s an architecture, a sculpture; a pas de deux between the light of Wolf Ka and the body of Maria Donata d’Urso. A question of gravity, a moment suspended in time, where the dancer dances for her life… A gateway between “ADN” and “Cosmos”, an ode to tensegrity.
The term “tensegrity” was invented by the visionary American architect Richard Buckminster Fuller, driven at the start of the 20th century by the systemic vision of a better and sustainable world in which everything is contained, in the same way as in his avant-garde geodes, whose structural integrity is guaranteed by reversible tension and compression relationships.
However, Maria Donata D’Urso prefers to use the term employed by Kenneth Snelson, an artist of the Black Mountain School and a close friend of “Bucky”, describing his monumental pieces as “islets of compression in an ocean of tension”. “Véronique Godé
Remark by Arnold Pasquier: “I met Maria Donata d’Urso while I was dancing for Gérard Gourdot in the early 90s. Our friendship led us to work together regularly on each other’s projects. She asked me to make this recording of her solo, reduced for film purposes.”