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Filmed performances

Sorry, do the tour. Again !

Réalisation Centre national de la danse
Year of production
Year of creation

Revived with both former and new performers, Sorry, do the tour. Again!  reconnects with the adolescent loves of Marco Berrettini by staging a disco dance marathon, a glamorous meditation about the passing of time  while effecting a return to the source of his vocabulary. The cross  between a popular dance form and more institutional choreographic vocabulary here produces an effect tending towards self-derision. On a dance floor plunged into an acidic pink light, the ten performers, all  bearing numbers, defend their places in the contest to the sound of  Donna Summer, Sylvester or the Jackson Five, while mimicking the gestures of their icons. The utterly joyful activation of this collective memory is made as a counterpoint to the exposure of the  backstage around the dance floor, revealing the technical, routine labour behind the holding of a show. Freely inspired from John Cassavetes’ film Opening Night and Peter Sloterdijk’s essay Rules for the Human Zoo,  the piece conveys a critique which is as institutional as it is  societal, mocking the narcissism and competitiveness of the time. The  title also regrets the condition of those individuals who are forced to  dance, here reduced to the simple rank of consumption objects.

Source: program of the CND

Réalisation Centre national de la danse
Year of production
Year of creation
Art direction / Design
Marco Berrettini
Secondary artistic direction
Répétitrice et co-réalisatrice Chiara Gallerani
95 minutes
Bruno Faucher
Gloria Gaynor, Michael Jackson, Donna Summer, Sylvester
Marco Berrettini, Jean-Paul Bourel, Natan Bouzy, Bryan Campbell, Ruth Childs, Simon Crettol, Marion Duval, Bruno Faucher, Chiara Gallerani, Milena Keller et neuf jeunes ballerines pantinoises
Set design
Bruno Faucher
Production of choreographic work
Spectacle créé le 30.05.2019 à l’Arsenic – Centre d’art scénique contemporain, Lausanne. Coréalisation Festival d’Automne à Paris, CN D Centre national de la danse.
Technical direction
Régie générale Bruno Faucher
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