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Vaguely light
Hervé Robbe
Hervé Robbe
So long as baby…love and songs will be
Hervé Robbe
Une maison sur la colline
Hervé Robbe
Un appartement en centre ville
Hervé Robbe
Wave 03
Hervé Robbe
Vingt plus un
Hervé Robbe
Hervé Robbe
Hervé Robbe
Permis de construire
Hervé Robbe
Hervé Robbe
Hervé Robbe
Mutating score
Hervé Robbe
In between – Yellow suite
Hervé Robbe
Des horizons perdus
Hervé Robbe
Bye see you next … no more
Hervé Robbe
Avis de demolition
Hervé Robbe
Flowing along
Hervé Robbe
Hervé Robbe
Hervé Robbe
Hervé Robbe
V.O Projet
Hervé Robbe
Histoire courte des enfants de la place Hébert
Hervé Robbe
Made of
Hervé Robbe
Assaï Vivace
Hervé Robbe
De humani corporis fabrica
Hervé Robbe
En espérant l’eclipse
Hervé Robbe
Hervé Robbe
Antichambre repetita
Hervé Robbe
Hervé Robbe
Là on y danse
Hervé Robbe
Hervé Robbe
Next Days
Hervé Robbe
Un Terrain Encore Vague
Hervé Robbe
Hervé Robbe
Danse de 4 (Teaser)
Hervé Robbe
Danse de 20 (Teaser)
Hervé Robbe
Remembrance 3 (2012-2019)
Hervé Robbe
Remembrance 1 (1987/1998)
Hervé Robbe
Remembrance 2 (1999-2011)
Hervé Robbe
Danse de 6
Hervé Robbe
A new landscape – teaser
Hervé Robbe
So long as and songs will be
“This installation, loosely inspired by the jukebox and Scopitone, takes the form of four screens showing sixteen video clips, all illustrating love songs. “
“This installation, loosely inspired by the jukebox and Scopitone, takes the form of four screens showing sixteen video clips, all illustrating love songs. These brief stories, which are choreographic, visual and musical at the same time, are performed by the protagonists: four singer-dancers and a joker animateur. Taking up this theme of love, the bodies appear in turn as pop rock icons, in a transformation, organic dissolution even, a multitude of images and moods evocative of the feeling of love.
A song, and in three minutes, there you are…Carried away. You croon, you hum, you jig about, a whole imaginary world opens up to you. A suspended state, an interruption of reality, a quick injection and you’re off again. The effectiveness of a rhythmic concentrate, lightweight or serious, reconciles by sleight of hand, or a swaying sashay, desire, pleasure and satisfaction. It does no harm, it helps, it stimulates, it stretches and unlocks. Simply complex, it touches you and “step by step” it stirs you. And all this mish-mash, cash-and-carry of tunes, chords following discords, also builds the edifice of our imaginary museum “So long as baby…love and songs will be”. A nickelodeon which hops and pops… A song and dance machine, a sort of jukebox or Scopitone. There are sixteen titles which you can choose to listen to and watch. Just one, or two, three, four, just as you please, in any order you like.”
Source: Hervé Robbe