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Des voix, des visages, des corps émergeant d’une pâte obscure, mus par une tension intérieure qui met en vibration tout l’espace. Maguy Marin est partie d’un travail aussi bien intérieur que spatial au cours duquel se conjuguent des devenirs.
Dozens of characters make an appearance in this fascinating one-man show by the fearless and celebrated French choreographer Maguy Marin.
Using simple props, actor David Mambouch skilfully creates a moving gallery of portraits in this intriguing, austere performance. His own identity is concealed behind a succession of printed images of faces – some are familiar, others are not. Adopting and shedding personas as often as his costumes, he switches from one identity to another, expertly adjusting his gestures and posture to each. Male and female, old and young, celebrities and strangers: his precisely timed movements describe his characters without uttering a single word.
Singspiele is a show about listening, about hearing the stories held behind mute faces and acknowledging our primal need to be recognised.
Source : Dublin Dacnce Festival