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Catherine Diverrès proposes a retrospective of ten years of creation by borrowing from her creations “Fragment”, “Ces poussières”, “Tauride”, “L’arbitre des élégances” and “Concertino”.
In July 1995, a year after she had established herself in Rennes, as director of the CCNRB, Catherine Diverrès presented “Retour”, on the Place du Parlement de Bretagne, during the summer festival Les Tombées de la nuit. A first attempt at creating from previous choreographies, this work proposes “to the public of Rennes to discover, in the form of extracts, and “light touches”, the Company’s repertoire” [1] built up over the previous ten years. The choreographer would go on to reproduce an identical approach with “Echo” and “Voltes”. It was also the opportunity for the choreographer to recapture “this memory of creations which, with the passing of time, with aging occasionally, with maturity and change, persists” [2].
Borrowing from her creations “Fragment” (1989), “Ces poussières” (1993), “Tauride” (1992), “L’arbitre des élégances” (1986) and “Concertino” (1990), the choreographer wished to “highlight the colour, and the differences, the particular atmosphere that inhabits each of them, like a bouquet of impressions, by privileging the danced sequences rather than the theatrical sequences” [3]. Two anthological solos taken from “Ces poussières” and “Concertino” were performed by the choreographer herself.
This new work came about during a period of transition between the Company and the choreographic centre, two distinct creative realities, and an almost total renewal of her team of performers, which would be inaugurated with “Fruits”, her following creation. Similar to a stocktaking exercise, the term “retour” (flashback, return) was particularly effective at this stage in the choreographer’s career.
Claire Delcroix
[1] Catherine Diverrès quoted by Jean-Marc Poilpré, Les Tombées de la nuit programme for “Retour”, 3 July 1995.
[2] J.-M. Poilpré, ibid.
[3] Catherine Diverrès, paper for circulation from the CCNRB, April/July 1995.
Updating: June 2014