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Quore. Per un lavoro in divenire
As heir to Pina Bausch, Raffaella Giordano , co-founder of the group Sosta Palmizi, has created a very personal silent dance-theatre.
Creation 1999A work by Raffaella GiordanoSpecial Prize UBU 2000“To Raffaella Giordano “ For having with her piece Quore. For a work in becoming, cast a critical glance on reality and more generally for the courage and intensity of the choreographic choices operated in her theatre-dance beyond dance.””The wish to focus on certain details, without tackling the entire performance, urges us to present our working process in its incompleteness and to propose it, from time to time, as it shifts and develops. This stage of the research is crucial in order to pose questions for a better understanding and sensibility of “relationship”, a necessary issue for us to move on our path. Furthermore, it is a wish to allow this constant “shift” to receive re/flections also through the eyes of the audience, a time and a place to pause and listen. We will lay bare to their look, like objects at the mercy of thoughts and feelings of others, as in real life in a though fight between duty and desire. Micro scores made of simple actions; details, obsessions belonging to our everyday behaviour.” R. Giordano
“”Quore” with “q”. It brings to mind the rhythmic pulse of life , blind and mysterious, enriched by an irreverent mockery, with that wrong “q”, the figure that doesn’t add up, which makes everything more human. More true. Quore is a pitiless and moving performance, showing what you wouldn’t expect, what everyone knows, but is not so sure of wanting to see: the wreckage of life, its chaotic movement, the desperate emptiness of some actions. It is a destabilising performance, it shatters certainties, destroys codes, without giving a solution. Nevertheless one leaves the theatre with a sense of relief: the four dancers/actors are always on stage, hit by lights which are constantly on their looks spoilt by funny wigs. Caught in their petty and shabby every day life, they do and picture what nobody dares to admit being like this: life . There is a joyful and sad chaos in this performance: small things and ridiculous details charming with their clear and sharp view of reality accomplished with an absolutely disarming crudeness and innocence. There are “Pasolinian” bodies and faces, flesh marked by life, pure and tainted at the same time, and conversely, like the two sides of a coin, a rough and sad sensuality. Fragments, scales of images cumulate in Quore in an awkward and broken architecture hardly showing any harmony, nevertheless giving way to sublime gentleness.” Elettra Aldani
A piece by: Raffaella GiordanoPerformers Raffaella Giordano Doriana Crema Piera Principe Aldo Rendinafrom 2009 Paola Comis stand in for Piera Principe’s roleMusic A. Britti, Madonna, P.J. Harvey, Manu Chau, R. Wagner, L. Dalla, L. AndersonProduction Associazione Sosta Palmizi supported by C.N.D.C. d’Angers l’Esquisse Obadia / Bouvierin collaboration with Progetto Regionale ToscanaDanza
Video making 26 novembre 2004 Theater Monty Antwerp by A.Vermeylenlaan
First study 21 May 1999 “Per un lavoro in divenire” Fidenza Italy
Debut 5>6 april 2000 Quore . Per un lavoro in divenire Teatro laboratorio San Leonardo Bologna Italy
Last rapresentation 25 february 2015 “Quore. Per un lavoro in divenire” Teatro Cittadella Lugano (CH)