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This content contains scenes that may shock an uninformed audience.
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Year of production
Year of creation
Philippe Decouflé review the story of his company DCA choosing sequences from previous shows (Codex, Petites pièces montées, Shazam !…) as well as pieces from the early days.
A new staging rather than a restaging, Panorama recounts, and yet weaves anew, the history of Compagnie DCA. With some sequences from previous shows (Codex, Petites pièces montées, Shazam !…) as well as a number of pieces from the early days (Vague café, Jump), getting their very first restaging with a number of changes:: female dancers in roles initially held by male dancers; a quintet of performers instead of a quartet; small dancers in roles originally conceived for full-size dancers.
Year of production
Year of creation
Begoña Garcia Navas (Régie générale et lumières)
Original score
Karl Biscuit, Hugues de Courson, Claire Diterzi, Sébastien Libolt & la Trabant, Nosfell et Pierre Le Bourgeois, Parazite Système Sonore (Marc Caro, Joëlle Colombeau, Spot Phélizon), Joseph Racaille
Other collaboration
Eric Martin (Coordination chorégraphie, costumes et décor), Léon Bony et Chloé Bouju (régie plateau)
Meritxell Checa Esteban, Julien Ferranti, Rémy-Charles Marchant, Ioannis Michos, Matthieu Penchinat, Lisa Robert, Violette Wanty
Production of video work
Maison de la Danse
Scene setting
Philippe Decouflé
Claire Thiebault (régie)
Production of choreographic work
Production Cie DCA, Estelle Le Goasduff (Administration), Raphaëlle Gogny et Juliette Médevielle (Production), Frank Piquard (directeur délégué)
Technical direction
Lahlou Benamirouche
Video production
Philippe Decouflé, Dominique Willoughby