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D’eux sens
Abou Lagraa
Cutting Flat
Abou Lagraa
Allegoria Stanza
Abou Lagraa
D’eux sens
Abou Lagraa
Nuit Blanche
Abou Lagraa
On the bridge
Nawal Lagraa – Aït Benalla
Nawal Lagraa – Aït Benalla
Un monde en soi
Abou Lagraa
Abou Lagraa’s dance
Abou Lagraa
Où transe
Abou Lagraa
Abou Lagraa
Abou Lagraa
Le projet du Pont Culturel Méditerranéen
Abou Lagraa
Le projet pédagogique au sein du Pont Culturel Méditerranéen
Nawal Lagraa – Aït Benalla
Interview Abou Lagraa
Abou Lagraa
Interview Nassim Feddal | Pont Culturel Méditerranéen / NYA
Fabien Plasson
Interview Mokhtar Boussouf | Pont Culturel Méditerranéen / NYA
Fabien Plasson
Cutting Flat
Abou Lagraa
Allegoria Stanza
Abou Lagraa
Abou Lagraa
Où Transe
Abou Lagraa
Universe… Africa (tribute to Nina Simone)
Abou Lagraa
Artists in residency – Hong Kong
Abou Lagraa
El Djoudour (extrait) 2013 – Abou Lagraa
Abou Lagraa
Reportage El Djoudour
Abou Lagraa
Ô mon corps ! [extrait 2]
Abou Lagraa
Ô my body !
Nawal Lagraa – Aït Benalla
El Djoudour
Abou Lagraa
El Djoudour, the roots
Abou Lagraa
Création “Le Cantique des Cantiques” [extrait]
Cie La Baraka / La Chapelle – Abou Lagraa & Nawal Aït Benalla
Le Cantique des Cantiques – Création à la Maison
Abou Lagraa
Do you be
Nawal Lagraa – Aït Benalla
Do you be [intégral]
Nawal Lagraa – Aït Benalla
The song of the songs
Abou Lagraa
Le Cantique des cantiques
Abou Lagraa
Abou Lagraa
Wonderful One
Abou Lagraa
D’Eux Sens
Luc Riolon
DO YOU BE – Nawal Lagraa Aït Benalla (Teaser)
Nawal Lagraa – Aït Benalla
Abou Lagraa , Nawal Lagraa – Aït Benalla
One to one
Abou Lagraa
Nuit Blanche
An urban and night-signed choreography Abou Lagraa. The director Charles Picq proposes an adaptation in urban natural decoration.
An urban and night-signed choreography Abou Lagraa. The director Charles Picq proposes an adaptation in urban natural decoration.
Pulled by a piece created in 2000 and rewritten specially for the television, Sleepless night stages three men on the summit of a skyscraper which dominates the city. They are in suspension between heaven and earth, over the movements of the street and the ceaseless swarm of the urban life.
The action begins in the daytime, in natural light, under the sun and the distant rumour of the city and ends in the trance in the middle of the night. Exhausted, the dancers give their last movements to the sunrise.
3 characters perched on 3 platforms, cannot inform between them that by crossing a net connecting(binding) platforms the some to the others. Link at once reassuring and unstable, but which can also become, for whom ventures there, an abyss, a trap, a den of iniquity.
Source : Compagnie La Baraka
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