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Notte [Nuit]

Year of production
Year of creation

Notte plunges the spectator into total darkness, where points of reference become blurred and bodies are blotted out by the obscurity, then revealed in an entirely different way.

NOTTE [Nuit]

Magic and digital conception Raphaël Navarro et Clément Debailleul

Notte plunges the spectator into total darkness, where points of reference become blurred and bodies are blotted out by the obscurity, then revealed in an entirely different way. On the stage, a man and a woman, two characters without names, without a past, two presences trying to find each other. Here, magic plays the role of a third element, an invisible one, that weaves their relationship, which changes and appeases. The feminine character bathes in an accomplished, harmonious world. Smoothly and softly, she talks to the vagabond lights, makes these stars twist and twirl like fireflies on a summer’s night. Her masculine counterpart attempts to tame this light, to get close to this soothing presence. He does his utmost to approach this otherness that fascinates him and invites him to transform his powerful, almost brutal energy. Around them, a space with ever-changing properties, at times with full and overwhelming light, at other times with an enshrouding shadow that engulfs them. Time fluctuates. Sometimes it stands still, slows down excessively or suddenly rushes forward, at break-neck speed. Gravity is variable and occasionally disappears from the bodies and the objects.

From the beginning to the end of the performance, everything has been implemented to carry the spectators into an internal space, to take them on a journey from one intimate realm to another. This innovational magical show, where dance, juggling and video meet, is a strange and somewhat unreal journey. It is the story of opposites, contraries that are attracted and that elude each other, opposites whose paths cross eternally and occasionally meet in their quest for harmony. A journey through chiaroscuro where time retreats into itself… Whilst balls fall exquisitely slowly, the body plunges into the infinite, into the heart of the night of transformation where everything can be reborn, revived, changed.

Source : Cie 14 :20


Ecriture et mise en scène / conception magique et numérique : Raphaël Navarro et Clément DebailleulInterprétations Kim Huynh et Aragorn BoulangerRégie générale Eric Bouche Pillon Régie lumière et vidéo Guillaume Lefebvre Vidéo et informatique Clément Debailleul Construction magique Bernard PainchaultCréation électronique Charles Goyard Aide et suivi technique Robin Milly Aide à la dramaturgie Louise LévêqueProduction Cie 14:20Coproduction L’Hippodrome – scène nationale de Douai ;Le Rayon Vert – scène conventionnée de Saint Valery en Caux ;L’Académie FratelliniAide : DRAC Haute-Normandie ; Région Haute-Normandie ;Département de Seine-Maritime ; Ville de RouenPartenariat : Régie Technique

Updating : February 2013

Year of production
Year of creation
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