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Mokorea (ote'a amui)
« Mokorea » was created by Makau Foster Delcuvellerie for the 2004 Heiva i Tahiti. It is based on a legend from the atoll of Makemo in the Tuamotu archipelago.
MOKOREA (Ote’a amui) [excerpt 2] / 2004
Choreography Makau Foster DelcuvellerieDance performance Compagnie Tamariki Poerani
« Mokorea » was created by Makau Foster Delcuvellerie for the 2004 Heiva i Tahiti. It is based on a legend from the atoll of Makemo in the Tuamotu archipelago.Long ago, inhabitants would live off fishing and coconuts.…The man waits for her to reappear and come out of the hole in the reef. Eventually his companions come back from the village and he tells them about the woman and the hole in the reef. They think he‘s gone mad, until one day she comes out of the hole. She is captured by the workers, but the man who first saw her asks them to release her as she looks so sad and frightened. She explains that in her underwater world one of her friends is about to die giving birth to a child. So she gives him the ability to breathe underwater so that he can come help save that woman’s friend. Once their mission accomplished, they will both come back to our world.That woman was a Mokorea, a legendary being who lives in an underwater world.The hole can still be seen on the islet and is now known under the name of “Mokorea”.
Sources : Marc E. Louvat
Tamariki PoeraniChoreography Makau Foster Delcuvellerie (Tamariki Poerani company)Video direction TNTV technical means Tahiti Nui TélévisionProduction TNTVProduced in july 2004Heiva i Tahiti 2004 was organized by Heiva Nui.
Updating : July 2011