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Loïe Fuller - la danse des couleurs
“In the last decade of the 19th century, Loïe Fuller invented an art without definition, without semiotic limitations and prefiguring this strange non-indexed practice which was finally to be discovered as a modern form of dance in the first years of the following century. From her own body as a source of imagination, she combined the use of the movement of light and color to create works in which she was both the source of animation and the surface of reflection.
A contemporary Munich dancer Brygida Ochaim wanted to give new life to this founding work, which still questions more than one field of artistic expression. This involved a patient study to find the dynamics of movement, the making of large parts of pleated fabrics (living sculptures, that the body agitates by mastering them with incredible precision), projection and lighting techniques that also made an act both pictorial and cinematographic. Accompanied in this research by Judith Barry for the work on colored lights, and by Dan Graham for the design of space, Brygida Ochaim also unearthed a valuable documentary collection on the technical and artistic activity of Fuller. All these elements were gathered in this exhibition as exciting as surprising. ”
Laurence Louppe
Source: Laurence Louppe, Art press 171, Juillet/Août 1992