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Janet On The Roof

Year of production
Year of creation

“Janet on the roof” is a choreographic work created by Pierre Pontvianne for the performer Marthe Krummenacher.
With this solo performance, the choreographer offers a dance that is both moving and pictorial, where impercep

tible changes of posture and intense energy shifts represent the minuscule and immense transformations our world endures.

Marthe  Krummenacher deploys an infinity of images, where all time and all space  punctuate both the desire for change and the sense of an ending. She  plunges the audience into a state of astonishment, performing a hypnotic  dance.“The horizon is troubled, the present is tense, what appeared far  away is already in front of us.” 

In 2019, David Mambouch has directed JOTR a film about the piece. 

Year of production
Year of creation
Art direction / Design
Réalisation, montage : David Mambouch
40 min
Valérie Colas
Other collaboration
Machinerie : Coralie Verdier
Marthe Krummenacher
Production of video work
Compagnie PARC / Coproduction This film was partially made possible with funding from KYLIAN PRODUCTIONS (NL), Le Dôme Théâtre Albertville, Avec le soutien du Ministère de la culture / Direction générale de la création artistique. Avec l’aimable autorisation de Janter Lumban Gaol, Apen Sitanggang, Guy de Saint Cyr pour leurs images des avalanches pyroclastiques du volcan SINABUNG à SUMATRA. Location matériel Philippe Vincent / Cie Scènes – Theâtre – Cinéma. Le Tournage a lieu au Dôme Théâtre à Albertville et Ramdam, un centre d’art en juin 2019. 1ère diffusion le 6 décembre 2019.
Pierre Pontvianne
Video production
Image : Pierre Grange ; Assistante image : Pascaline Manachère
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