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Création habitants 2016

Year of production
Year of creation

From November 2015 to June 2016, during eight working weekends at the Centre chorégraphique national de Caen en Normandie, Alban Richard invited a group of 42 local residents aged 17 to 72 to participate in the creation of a choreographic piece.

“We worked from group dances like madisons and tarantella; we were inspired by iconographies from representations of the Last Judgment, we talked, ate, danced together, we pushed each other, rattled each other, supported each other.

The choreographic piece INSANE was constructed with each person’s presence.

INSANE is a triptych consisting of the same motifs: procession, ritual wandering, moving tableaux, dances of celebration.”

Year of production
Year of creation
Choreography assistance
Camille Cau, Max Fossati
Valérie Sigward
Mar­tine Almy, Antoine Aubert, Charles Binet, Jean-Luc Bion, Cathe­rine Calmes, Edwige Cha­pa­lain, Cathe­rine Cha­zeaux, Mireille Cosne, Claire Cou­li­ba­ly, Mathilde Cour­celle, Patri­cia Cou­sin, Vio­laine Caze­nove, Fabienne Des­tombes, Sté­pha­nie Ducre­tot, Léa Fré­mont, Natha­naël Fré­rot, Angèle Gal­lay, Pau­line Gou­dergues, Anne Gour­sey­rol, Gérard Gras­sio­not, Auré­lie Gué­ri­net, Ariane Guerre, Cathe­rine Lebrun, Ludi­vine Lesigne, Jean-Yves Linot, Vincent Maré­chal, Eric Marie, Joël Marie, Alice Mar­tin, Lau­rence Meulle, Chan­tal Motel, Jona­than Oli­ver, Hélène Ozanne, Eli­sa­beth Pain, Sophie Pou­chain, David Ratel, Chan­tal Schen­rey, Gui­laine Sepa­ri, Claire Tan­gy, Tho­mas Toto, Claire Van­nier, Lei­la Zellag
Production of choreographic work
centre chorégraphique national de Caen en Normandie, Comédie de Caen – CDN de Normandie
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