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Humus vertebra

Trio - Cycle des épouvantails

Year of production
Year of creation

Trio Humus vertebra gathers the three figures appearing in solos Fidèle à l’éclair (Claudio Stellato), havran (Jaro Vinarsky) and babil (Eric Domeneghetty), from The Scarecrow Cycle, a series dedicated to this emblematic figure.

The starting point for this hallucinatory fable is the scarecrow, this vertical being, absurd and exposed to all winds, standing between earth and sky. This figure haunts the piece, but secretly, from within. In this trio, you will find all the ingredients typical of Karine Ponties’s original work: wonderful atmospheres, a strange, tender comicity tainted with profound doubt, acrobatics, a puppetry-like use of set, and short films projected on stage, all expertly woven. The graphic score by Stefano Ricci, author of the illustrated book Humus vertebra, portrays hybrid characters, apparitions somewhere between human and animals. A fragile, yet sharp poetry sharing that instant at the heart of illusion: the uncertainty of being.

Year of production
Year of creation
Art direction / Design
Karine Ponties
Artistic advice / Dramaturgy
Stefano Ricci
55 min
Florence Richard
Original score
David Monceau
Sigur Ros
Other collaboration
Réalisation costumes: Ethell Bibbo, Samuel Dronet, Maria-Eva Rodriguez, Régie son et vidéo: Quentin Simon
Eric Domeneghetty, Claudio Stellato, Jaro Vinarsky
Production of video work
Dame de Pic / Cie Karine Ponties
Set design
Wilfrid Roche
Production of choreographic work
Une production Dame de Pic/Cie Karine Ponties, en coproduction avec le Théâtre Les Tanneurs, Charleroi/Danses (Belgique), O Espaço do Tempo de Montemor-O-Novo (Portugal), Centre Chorégraphique National d’Orléans – direction Josef Nadj, dans le cadre de l’accueil studio 2008 – Ministère de la Culture, Festival de Marseille, Centre départemental de créations en résidence des Bouches-du-Rhône, les Salins / Scène nationale de Martigues, Arcadi, Centre des Bords de Marne, CDC/Biennale nationale du Val de Marne (France). Avec l’aide du Ministère de la Culture de la Communauté française Wallonie-Bruxelles – Service de la Danse, le soutien de l’Association Beaumarchais (aide à l’écriture), du Ballet National de Marseille dans le cadre de l’accueil studio et de Wallonie-Bruxelles Théâtre/Danse.
Technical direction
Guillaume Toussaint Fromentin
Video production
Stefano Ricci
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