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Horace Benedict
The film “Horace Benedict” by Aldo Lee and Dimitri Chamblas was created in parallel to the project “Ouvrée, artistes en alpages” by Boris Charmatz.
The film Horace Benedict by Aldo Lee and Dimitri Chamblas was created in parallel to the project “Ouvrée, artistes en alpages” by Boris Charmatz. Upon the invitation of the latter choreographer, Anne Collod, Simon Hecquet, Bernard Heidsieck, Matthieu Kavyrchine, Jennifer Lacey, Benoit Lachambre, Xavier Le Roy, Barbara Manzetti, Phil Minton, Jean-Luc Moulène, Steve Paxton, along with a number of extras, came to the slopes of the Semnoz in Haute-Savoie in order to confront choreographic, visual, and sonic material on a monumental scale mountain. “Horace Benedict,” which is the title of this medium length film, is also the name of an eighteenth-century scientist, Horace Bénédict de Saussure, who was instrumental in creating a number of meteorological stations in the Alps and invented the hair hygrometer. This film is not a documentary on Boris Charmatz’s project, but a project in its own right, created around, and on the basis of, this event. Dimitri Chamblas explains his intentions: “With this piece, I tried to evaluate the importance of a place vis-à-vis a work, to capture everything including what’s in the margins of a work, what influences it and touches it at the deepest level.”
This medium-length film is presented as a simple projection, in the form of an installation, or screened in cinemas on the occasion of presentation of improvised works. The unedited version shown here is in small format, and should be viewed for research purposes only.
Source : Boris Charmatz
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